Create array from json with exceptions to the value

时间:2019-04-16 22:10:55

标签: javascript jquery arrays json dictionary

let me show you some working code I have here:

Example that works


var extracted_times = => o.actual_time.split(':').slice(0, 2).map(Number));

The result would be like this:

    [11, 0],
    [13, 5]

So that works well.

My question:

Here is the problem I'm having. But what if I have this:


As you can see, there is a dash in the middle of two times: 13:05:00-00:40:00. How can I make it so that if there is a dash -, then do something like this:

I want the final result to be like this:

    [11, 0],
    { from: [13, 0], to: [0, 40] }

how can I get it to be like that? Thanks!

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

var extracted_times ={
    // match all instances of the time string "hh:mm:ss"
    var times = obj.actual_time.match(/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/g)
                 // do your thing with the numbers
    // if there is only one, then return it
    if(times.length == 1)
        return times[0];
    // if there are two, then return the object
    return { from: times[0], to: times[1] };

答案 1 :(得分:2)


You can use a ternary expression along with your map function to iterate and determine if the String contains a (-) hyphen character by using String.prototype.includes.

--- What's a Ternary?

A ternary expression takes an expression and performs differently if true or false. It looks like this:

(expression) ? if_expression_true : if_expression_false;

The base of our ternary expression is whether or not a -(hyphen) exists in the string, so our improved syntax would look something like this:

(string.includes("-")) ? process_with_hyphen : process_without_hyphen

Code Solution:{actual_time: s }) => s.includes("-") ? 
    ([from, to] = s.split("-").map(p), {from,to}) : 
    p = s => s.split(':').slice(0, 2).map(Number), from = to = null);

Code Explanation:

  • We map over our data, supplying 4 things to the map function
    • our function that's used with map. (Note: we use destructuring to pull actual_time from the object and store it in the variable s) This function returns one of two things.
      • If the - (hyphen) character is included
        • Split the String at the hyphen
        • map over the created array with the normal process
        • return an Object with from and to properties
          • The property values are [0] and [1] of the array respectively
      • If the - (hyphen) character is not included
        • perform the normal process on the String
        • return the resulting array
    • three variables
      • p : A function that performs our normal processing on a string and returns the Array. This is what you had in your original question.
      • from and to: variables we set to null. We do this because in a ternary statement you cannot make variable declarations, only variable assignments. There are multiple ways to do this, but I think this is the cleanest.

Code With Comments

//map over data and store "actual_time" in "s"{actual_time: s }) => 

// determine if "s" includes a hyphen
    s.includes("-") ? 

// if it does
// split at hyphen and process the resulting array with map
// we use destructuring to assign the first and second values of the new array
// to "from" and "to"
// return a new object with "from" and "to" properties 
// using the from and to variables
    ([from, to] = s.split("-").map(p), {from,to}) : 

// if it does not
// process the String as normal

// our declared variables for the function:
    p = s => s.split(':').slice(0, 2).map(Number), 
    from = to = null);

Working Code Snippet:

let dataObj = [{
    "actual_time": "11:00:00",
    "length": "30"
    "actual_time": "13:05:00-00:40:00",
    "length": "40"

extract = data =>{actual_time: s }) => s.includes("-") ? 
    ([from, to] = s.split("-").map(p), {from,to}) : 
    p = s => s.split(':').slice(0, 2).map(Number), from = to = null);

let extracted_times = extract(dataObj);


答案 2 :(得分:1)

Just check to see if the actual_time has - in it first. If not, then use your original algorithm; otherwise, split it by -, and apply the algorithm to both split pieces:

const arr = [

const timeToNum = time => time.split(':').slice(0, 2).map(Number);
const output ={ actual_time }) => {
  if (!actual_time.includes('-')) {
    return timeToNum(actual_time);
  const [fromTime, toTime] = actual_time.split('-');
  return {
    from: timeToNum(fromTime),
    to: timeToNum(toTime)

答案 3 :(得分:0)

I suggest you extract the logic you currently have in the map into a named function and write your logic there.

Something in this spirit

function parseTime(timeString) {
  if (timeString.indexOf("-") === -1) {
    // no dash, return what you currently have
  } else {
    // dash found, split on dash and format the object

The logic used in the if branch can probably be reused to parse from and to in the else branch, so you might want to make it a function as well.

On another note, I would rather return something like this, which should probably be easier to work with.

    { from: [11, 0] },
    { from: [13, 0], to: [0, 40] }