我的代码不断出现相同的错误-TypeError:“ float”对象无法解释为整数

时间:2019-04-13 15:33:23

标签: python numpy matplotlib


import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pandas import DataFrame # to build our table of data from the video. import glob import pims # to import the video. from pims import pipeline # a decorator to allow dynamic loading of videos

import scipy.ndimage as nd # for Gaussian filter.

import trackpy as tp # for object tracking functions.

crop = (slice(100, 1000), slice(500, 1250), 0)
thresh = 130

x = glob.glob('/Users/charlieargent/Extended Report /Potassium nitrate 1 hour//')

def readvid(x): 
    frames = pims.Video(x) 

def crop_frame(frame): 
    return frame[crop] 

def filter_frame(frame): 
    return nd.filters.gaussian_filter( crop_frame(frame), [2, 2] ) 

def binary_inv_frame(frame): 
    return ( (255 - filter_frame(frame) > thresh)*255 ).astype('uint8')

for i in x:

    find_cells = tp.batch( binary_inv_frame(readvid(i)), 21, minmass = 200, invert = False )

    tracks = tp.link_df( find_cells, 25, memory = 0 )

    tracks_long = tp.filter_stubs( tracks, 5 )

    msds = tp.imsd( tracks_long, 1, 25 )

    y = i.split("/")[-3], i.split("/")[-2], i.split("/")[-1]


文件“”,第1行,在     runfile('/ Users / charlieargent / Extended Report /Analysis/untitled1.py',wdir ='/ Users / charlieargent / Extended Report / Analysis')

文件“ /anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/spyder_kernels/customize/spydercustomize.py”,行786,在运行文件中     execfile(文件名,命名空间)

execfile中的文件“ /anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/spyder_kernels/customize/spydercustomize.py”,第110行     exec(compile(f.read(),文件名,'exec'),命名空间)

文件“ / Users / charlieargent /扩展报告/Analysis/untitled1.py”,第45行,在     find_cells = tp.batch(binary_inv_frame(readvid(i)),21,minmass = 200,invert = False)

文件“ /anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/slicerator/init.py”,第687行,正在处理中     返回管道(proc_func,*祖先)

文件“ /anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/slicerator/init.py”,第415行,位于 init 中     self._len = len(祖先[0])

TypeError:“ float”对象不能解释为整数

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