我想看看是否有一种方法可以获取我在Google Apps脚本项目中拥有的所有功能的列表。我已经看到了多个线程来获取所有Google Apps Script项目的列表,但到目前为止还没有一个线程可以列出每个项目中的所有功能。有人知道这是否可能吗?我浏览了《 Google Apps脚本参考概述》,但找不到任何对我印象深刻的东西(我当然可以错过它)。如果有人有任何建议,请告诉我!。
我有一个Google Spreadsheet文件。与该Google Spreadsheet相连的是一个GAS项目(可通过Google Sheet菜单“工具->脚本编辑器”访问),该项目具有几个不同的函数,这些函数用于从工作表中获取值,进行一些计算并将结果发布到另一个工作表中
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您可以使用Apps Script API从Apps脚本文件中获取所有内容。 以下代码可以选择传递文件名来获取。您必须提供Apps脚本文件ID。传入gs文件名是可选的。提供了3个功能。完成所有工作的函数,使用测试参数调用该函数的函数以及日志记录函数。不需要OAuth库,因为令牌是从ScriptApp服务获取的。
调用的返回值。您可能需要使用它的链接来启用Apps Script API。
function getFuncNames(po) {
var allFiles,dataContentAsString,downloadUrl,fileContents,fileData,i,options,
var ndxOfFunction=0,counter=0, ndxOfEnd=0, functionName="", allFncNames=[],
hasSpaces = 0;
var innerObj, thisFile, fileType = "", thisGS_Content,howManyFiles, allGsContent="";
Get all script function names. If no gs file name is provided, the code
gets all the function names.
po.fileID - required - The Apps Script file ID
po.gsFileName - optional - the gs code file name to get - gets just one
file instead of all files
if (!po.fileID) {
return false;
theAccessTkn = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();//Get an access token for OAuth
downloadUrl = "https://script.google.com/feeds/download/export?id=" +
po.fileID + "&format=json";//create url
options = {
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": po.fileID,
"downloadUrl": downloadUrl,
"headers": {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + theAccessTkn,
"contentType": "application/vnd.google-apps.script+json",
"method" : "GET"
fileData = UrlFetchApp.fetch(downloadUrl, options);//Get all the content from the Apps Script file
dataContentAsString = fileData.getContentText();
fileContents = JSON.parse(dataContentAsString);//Parse string into object
allFiles = fileContents.files;//All the files in the Apps Script project
howManyFiles = allFiles.length;
for (i=0;i<howManyFiles;i++) {
thisFile = allFiles[i];//Get one inner element that represents one file
if (!thisFile) {continue;}
fileType = thisFile.type;
if (fileType !== "server_js") {continue;}//This is not a gs file - its HTML or json
thisFileName = thisFile.name;
//ll('typeof thisFileName',typeof thisFileName)
//ll('equal',po.gsFileName !== thisFile.name)
if (po.gsFileName) {//Is there a setting for the file name to restrict the search to
if (po.gsFileName !== thisFile.name) {//The name to search for is not this file name
thisGS_Content = thisFile.source;//source is the key name for the file content
allGsContent = allGsContent + thisGS_Content;
while (ndxOfFunction !== -1 || counter < 1000) {
ndxOfFunction = allGsContent.indexOf("function ");
if (ndxOfFunction === -1) {break};
allGsContent = allGsContent.slice(ndxOfFunction+9);//Remove everything in front of 'function' first
ndxOfEnd = allGsContent.indexOf("(");
functionName = allGsContent.slice(0,ndxOfEnd);
allGsContent = allGsContent.slice(ndxOfEnd+2);//Remove the
hasSpaces = functionName.indexOf(" ");
if (hasSpaces !== -1) {continue;}
if (functionName.length < 150) {
}//Any string over 150 long is probably not a function name
counter ++;
return allFncNames;
function runOtherFnk() {
getFuncNames({fileID:"Your File ID here",gsFileName:"Code"});
function ll(a,b) {
//Logger.log(typeof a)
if (typeof b === 'object') {
b = JSON.stringify(b);
Logger.log(a + ":" + b)
function getAllFnks() {
var allFnks,fnkStr,k;
allFnks = [];
for (k in this) {
//Logger.log(typeof k)
//Logger.log(typeof this[k])
fnkStr = this[k];
if (fnkStr) {
fnkStr = fnkStr.toString();
//Logger.log(typeof fnkStr)
} else {
if (fnkStr.indexOf('function') === 1) {
Logger.log('Number of functions: ' + allFnks.length)