最近,我遇到了“没有为产品定义价格” JaloPriceFactoryException。当调用“ getBasePrice”方法时,它来自Europe1PriceFactory类。
我已经尝试过挖掘,但是无法找到有关此状态的任何详细信息。在代码中,有一个if语句根据OrderEntry -s的'giveAway'或'rejected'状态进行处理。
public PriceValue getBasePrice(AbstractOrderEntry entry) throws JaloPriceFactoryException {
SessionContext ctx = this.getSession().getSessionContext();
AbstractOrder order = entry.getOrder(ctx);
Currency currency = null;
EnumerationValue productGroup = null;
User user = null;
EnumerationValue userGroup = null;
Unit unit = null;
long quantity = 0L;
boolean net = false;
Date date = null;
Product product = entry.getProduct();
boolean giveAwayMode = entry.isGiveAway(ctx);
boolean entryIsRejected = entry.isRejected(ctx);
PriceRow row;
if (giveAwayMode && entryIsRejected) {
row = null;
} else {
row = this.matchPriceRowForPrice(ctx, product, productGroup = this.getPPG(ctx, product), user = order.getUser(), userGroup = this.getUPG(ctx, user), quantity = entry.getQuantity(ctx), unit = entry.getUnit(ctx), currency = order.getCurrency(ctx), date = order.getDate(ctx), net = order.isNet(), giveAwayMode);
if (row != null) {
Currency rowCurr = row.getCurrency();
double price;
if (currency.equals(rowCurr)) {
price = row.getPriceAsPrimitive() / (double)row.getUnitFactorAsPrimitive();
} else {
price = rowCurr.convert(currency, row.getPriceAsPrimitive() / (double)row.getUnitFactorAsPrimitive());
Unit priceUnit = row.getUnit();
Unit entryUnit = entry.getUnit();
double convertedPrice = priceUnit.convertExact(entryUnit, price);
return new PriceValue(currency.getIsoCode(), convertedPrice, row.isNetAsPrimitive());
} else if (giveAwayMode) {
return new PriceValue(order.getCurrency(ctx).getIsoCode(), 0.0D, order.isNet());
} else {
String msg = Localization.getLocalizedString("exception.europe1pricefactory.getbaseprice.jalopricefactoryexception1", new Object[]{product, productGroup, user, userGroup, Long.toString(quantity), unit, currency, date, Boolean.toString(net)});
throw new JaloPriceFactoryException(msg, 0);
boolean entryIsRejected = entry.isRejected(ctx);
public Boolean isRejected(SessionContext ctx) {
Boolean result = super.isRejected(ctx);
return result != null ? result : Boolean.FALSE;
我知道,当购物车中有标记为要重新计算的产品时,就会运行购物车重新计算服务。 这些条件是:
Product is be added to the cart
Product is be removed from the cart
User is changed
Currency is changed