| SupportGroupName | SupportGroupManager | AgentCount | PMgr |
| AE DS | Sarah Smith | 16 | Honey Roth |
| AE DS | Sarah Smith | 5 | Sarah Smith |
| AE DS | Sarah Smith | 1 | Starr Gilley |
| AEOpenstack | Ron Jerrold | 1 | Chris Lattel |
| Agent 360 | Keith Barrone | 1 | Brian Terrell |
| Agent 360 | Keith Barrone | 1 | Kari Sampson |
| Agent 360 | Keith Barrone | 3 | Keith Barrone |
| Agent 360 | Keith Barrone | 2 | Mike Randall |
SELECT SG.SupportGroupName
, SG.SupportGroupManager
, Count(SGM.SupportGroupAgent) AS AgentCount
, P.ManagerName AS PMgr
FROM ARSystem_Metrics.dbo.BI_CTM_SupportGroup SG
LEFT OUTER JOIN ARSystem_Metrics.dbo.BI_CTM_SupportGroupsAndMembers SGM
on SG.SupportGroupId = SGM.SupportGroupId
LEFT JOIN ARSystem_Metrics.dbo.BI_CTM_People P
ON SGM.SupportGroupAgentCorpId = P.CorporateId
WHERE SG.status = 'Enabled'
and SGM.SupportGroupAssociationId = 'Member'
AND P.status = 'Enabled'
GROUP BY SG.SupportGroupName, SG.SupportGroupManager, P.ManagerName
| SupportGroupName | SupportGroupManager | AgentCount | PMgr | Match? |
| AE DS | Sarah Smith | 16 | Honey Roth | No |
| AEOpenstack | Ron Jerrold | 1 | Chris Lattel | No |
| Agent 360 | Keith Barrone | 3 | Keith Barrone | Yes |