
时间:2019-04-05 07:59:38

标签: r xlsx r-xlsx




#some dataframes to export as excel files
Agent1 <- data.frame("QUEUE" = c("call PA", "call", "Call", "call CB"), "NR" = c(6,15,3,7), "Client" = c("xyz company", "some other company", "Company abs", "BNM"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Agent2 <- data.frame("QUEUE" = c("call PA", "call", "Call", "call CB"), "NR" = c(7,13,5,3), "Client" = c("xyz company", "some other company", "Company abs", "BNM"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Agent3 <- data.frame("QUEUE" = c("call PA", "call", "Call", "call CB"), "NR" = c(4,4,3,7), "Client" = c("xyz company", "some other company", "Company abs", "BNM"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

nr_of_agents <- 3 

# Variable creation for counting cases per agent
for (a in 1 : nr_of_agents) {
  agent_s <- paste0("Agent",a,"sum")
  assign(agent_s, 0)

for (a in 1:nr_of_agents){      #Counting cases per agent
  agent <- paste0("Agent",a)
  tempv <- eval(as.name(agent))
  agent_s <- paste0("Agent",a,"sum")
  tempv1 <- eval(as.name(agent_s))
  tempv1 <- sum(tempv$NR)
  assign(agent_s, paste("Total cases: ", tempv1)) 


TITLE_STYLE <- CellStyle(wb)+ Font(wb,  heightInPoints=16, color=NULL, isBold=TRUE) +

TEXT_STYLE <- CellStyle(wb)+ Font(wb,  heightInPoints=12, color=NULL, isBold=FALSE) +
  Border(color="black", position=c("TOP"), 

# Styles for the data table row/column names
TABLE_ROWNAMES_STYLE <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) 

TABLE_COLNAMES_STYLE <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb,color="#FFFAFA", heightInPoints=12, name="Calibri Light", isBold=TRUE) +
  Fill(foregroundColor="#9e2b11",pattern="SOLID_FOREGROUND")+#, backgroundColor="lightblue")
  Alignment(wrapText=TRUE, horizontal="ALIGN_CENTER")+
  Border(color="black", position=c("TOP", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"), 

#Code to add title 
xlsx.addTitle<-function(sheet, rowIndex, title, titleStyle){
  rows <-createRow(sheet,rowIndex=rowIndex)
  sheetTitle <-createCell(rows, colIndex=3)
  setCellValue(sheetTitle[[1,1]], title)
  setCellStyle(sheetTitle[[1,1]], titleStyle)

#Code to add sums of cases per agent
xlsx.addsums<-function(sheet, rowIndex, title, titleStyle){
  rows <-createRow(sheet,rowIndex=rowIndex)
  sheetTitle <-createCell(rows, colIndex=3)
  setCellValue(sheetTitle[[1,1]], title)
  setCellStyle(sheetTitle[[1,1]], titleStyle)

names <- c("Mark", "Neli", "Sara")    # Agents names

for (a in 1 : nr_of_agents) {         
  agent <- paste0("Agent",a)
  tempv <- eval(as.name(agent))
  agent_S <- paste0("Agent",a,"sum")
  tempv1 <- eval(as.name(agent_S))

  sheet<-createSheet(wb, sheetName = names[a])      #sheet creation 

  xlsx.addTitle(sheet, rowIndex=1, title=names[a],  #Adding title to each sheet
                titleStyle = TITLE_STYLE)

  addDataFrame(tempv, sheet, startRow=3, startColumn=1,   #Adding the dataframes
               colnamesStyle = TABLE_COLNAMES_STYLE,
               rownamesStyle = TABLE_ROWNAMES_STYLE

  xlsx.addsums(sheet, rowIndex=(3+ nrow(tempv)+1), title= tempv1,    #Adding total sum for every agent
               titleStyle = TEXT_STYLE)

  autoSizeColumn(sheet, colIndex=c(1:ncol(tempv)))       #Auto size columns 

saveWorkbook(wb, paste0(Sys.Date()," Test_file",".xlsx"))

Picture of current and desired output



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



# Data
Agent1 <- data.frame("QUEUE" = c("call PA", "call", "Call", "call CB"), "NR" = c(6,15,3,7), "Client" = c("xyz company", "some other company", "Company abs", "BNM"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Agent2 <- data.frame("QUEUE" = c("call PA", "call", "Call", "call CB"), "NR" = c(7,13,5,3), "Client" = c("xyz company", "some other company", "Company abs", "BNM"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Agent3 <- data.frame("QUEUE" = c("call PA", "call", "Call", "call CB"), "NR" = c(4,4,3,7), "Client" = c("xyz company", "some other company", "Company abs", "BNM"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

agents <- c("Mark", "Neli", "Sara")

wb <- createWorkbook()

for (i in 1:length(agents)) {

  agent <- paste0("Agent", i)  
  agent_nam <- agents[i]

  agent_df <- eval(as.name(agent))

  # Add sheet
  addWorksheet(wb, agent_nam)

  # Save Header (agent name)
  writeData(wb, sheet = agent_nam, x = agent_nam, startRow = 1, startCol = 3)

  # Write Dataframe
  writeData(wb, sheet = agent_nam, x = agent_df, startRow = 3, rowNames = TRUE)

  # Total cases
  writeData(wb, sheet = agent_nam, x = paste0("Total cases: ", sum(agent_df$NR)), startRow = 8, startCol = 3)

  # style 1: Agent names in bold
  s1 <- createStyle(fontSize = 16, textDecoration = c("BOLD"), halign = "center")

  # style 2: Bold white font with red background fill for table header
  s2 <- createStyle(fontName = "Calibri Light", fontColour = "#FFFFFF", 
                     fgFill = "#9e2b11", textDecoration = c("BOLD"), halign = "center",
                     border = "TopBottomLeftRight")

  # style 3: border around the data
  s3 <- createStyle(border = "TopBottomLeftRight")

  # style 4: Text in the center for Total cases
  s4 <- createStyle(halign = "center")

  # Apply styles to the workbook
  addStyle(wb, sheet = agent_nam, style = s1, rows = 1, cols = 3, gridExpand = TRUE)
  addStyle(wb, sheet = agent_nam, style = s2, rows = 3, cols = 2:4, gridExpand = TRUE)
  addStyle(wb, sheet = agent_nam, style = s3, rows = 4:7, cols = 2:4, gridExpand = TRUE)
  addStyle(wb, sheet = agent_nam, style = s4, rows = 8, cols = 3, gridExpand = TRUE)

  # Column widths
  setColWidths(wb, sheet = agent_nam, cols = 1:4, widths = "auto")


saveWorkbook(wb, paste0(Sys.Date()," Test_file (openxlsx)",".xlsx"))