
时间:2019-04-05 02:50:18

标签: arrays google-apps-script




我试图在循环外定义一个变量,然后使用.slice(),Object.create()和[... arr],但是我没有成功。


  const keyMast = [ //pre-decided keywords, set to false
    ["No Word", true],
    ["elbow", false],
    ["ss" , false], 
    ["student" , false],
    ["read", false]
  const combos = [ //for each set of words, assings values for T1, T2,... 
    ["student", true, true, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    ["elbow", true, true, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    ["student", "read", true, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0],
    ["talk", "read", true, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]
  const scoreMast= [ //master list of Ts set to zero
    ["T1", 0],
    ["T2", 0],
    ["T3", 0],
    ["T4", 0],
    ["T5", 0],
    ["T6", 0],
    ["T7", 0],
    ["T8", 0]

  //this loop grabs each line in the notes
  var i=6; //the first line of notes starts in Cell B6
  do {
    //reset values for our tables after each note
    tempCombo = [...combos];
    tempKeywords = [...keyMast];
    tempScore = [...scoreMast];
    //do stuff with the lists on this line of notes


两个问题:使用文字符号(var combo = [[blah,blah],[]])在循环内部定义变量是否更容易?这会降低我的代码速度吗?


编辑 田池要求产出。 Do Loop需要对分数进行排序,然后运行

var suggest = tempScores[0][0] + " " + tempScores[1][0] + " " +tempScores[2][0]
Ss.getRange(i,3). setValue(suggest)

我的客户是委托人。当他们观察老师时,他们会根据8个教学标准(因此,T1,T2 ...)评估他们的工作。他们希望在上课时做笔记,然后让电子表格根据他们使用的关键字来建议最接近该笔记行的标准。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



function getNewScoreObject(numStandards) {
  const scorer = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < numStandards; ++i) {
    scorer.push(["T" + i, 0]);
  return scorer;


如果您不想为对象编写实例化函数,并且仅因为它们是基元的2D数组,则只需要更深入一层,而内部sliceArray:< / p>

teacherReviews.forEach(function (notesOnTeacher) {
  var workingCombos = combos.map(function (combo) { return combo.slice(); });
  // `workingCombos` is now wholly different than `combos`, but the internal primitives have the same value.



const combos = [
    words: [ <words that could be in the note> ],
    points: {
      T1: <num>,
      T2: <num>,
      T8: <num>
    requires: "ALL" // "ALL" | "ANY" | "NONE" (logic for earning the points)
// case sensitive check
function wordInText(text, word, idx, allWords) {
  return text.indexOf(word) !== -1;
    var wordInNoteText = wordInText.bind(null, noteText.toLowerCase()); // prefix all calls with this note's lowercased text.
    combos.forEach(function (combo) {
      var hasAtLeastOneWord = combo.words.some(wordInNoteText);
      var hasAllWords = hasAtleastOneWord && combo.words.every(wordInNoteText);
      var earnsPoints = (
        (combo.requires === "NONE" && !hasAtLeastOneWord) ||
        (combo.requires === "ANY" && hasAtLeastOneWord) ||
        (combo.requires === "ALL" && hasAllWords)
      if (earnsPoints) {
        for (var ts in combo.points) {
          teacher.score[ts] += combo.points[ts];
function writeTeacherData(sheet, teachers) {
  const order = ["T1", "T2", "T3", ... "T8"]; // Could `.sort()` a var created from `Object.keys(teacher.score);`
  const data = teachers.map(function (teacher) {
    var row = [teacher.name, teacher.classPeriod, /** etc */];
    Array.prototype.push.apply(row, order.map(function (ts) { return teacher.score[ts]; }));
    return row;
  if (data.length) {
    order.unshift("Class Period");
    order.unshift("Teacher Name");
    // etc
    data.unshift(order); // prefix the headers to the data output
    sheet.getRange(1, 1, data.length, data[0].length).setValues(data);
