
时间:2019-04-05 01:02:34

标签: r performance shiny

我正在创建一个样本大小和功效计算器的版本。运行代码后,选择选项“样本大小”时,在滑动滑块或其他数字输入后立即对样本大小进行任何更新。但是,对于选项“ Power”(均来自第一个“ selectInput”选项),更新根本就不会立即进行。



ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Sample Size and Power Calculator"),

      #What are we calculating?
      selectInput(inputId = "type",
                  label = strong("Calculator Options"),
                  choices = c("Pick an Option",
                              "Sample Size"),
                  selected = "Pick an Option"),

      #Display only if Sample Size is selected, ask for necessary parameters
        condition = "input.type == 'Sample Size'",

        #1. Standard Deviation
        numericInput(inputId = "stddev",
                     label = "Standard Deviation",
                     value = 10,
                     min = 1,
                     max = 400,
                     step = 1),

        #2. Power
        sliderInput(inputId = "power",
                    label = "Power of Study",
                    min = 0.5,
                    max = 0.99,
                    value = 0.8,
                    step = 0.01),
        h6("Power as a decimal not percentage."),
        h6("(0.8 means 80% power)"),

        #3. Alpha (Significance)
        sliderInput(inputId = "alpha",
                    label = "Significance of Study",
                    min = 0.01,
                    max = 0.2,
                    value = 0.05,
                    step = 0.01),
        h6("Significance of study is most traditionally 0.05 (5%)"),

        #4. Meandiff (Difference Between Groups)
        numericInput(inputId = "meandiff",
                     label = "Expected Difference Between Group Means",
                     value = 20),

        #5. Alternative Test
        selectInput(inputId = "alt",
                    label = strong("Alternative Test Options"),
                    choices = c("Two-Sided" = "two.sided",
                                "Upper" = "greater",
                                "Lower" = "less"),
                    selected = "Two-Sided"),
        h6("If unsure, leave at 'Two-Sided'.")

      #Display only if Power is selected, ask for necessary parameters
        condition = "input.type == 'Power'",

        #1. Standard Deviation
        numericInput(inputId = "stddev",
                     label = "Standard Deviation",
                     value = 10,
                     min = 1,
                     max = 400,
                     step = 1),

        #2. Size Per Group
        numericInput(inputId = "npergroup",
                     label = "Number per Group",
                     value = 120),
        h6("Assuming equal number in each group, enter number for ONE group."),

        #3. Alpha (Significance)
        sliderInput(inputId = "alpha",
                    label = "Significance of Study",
                    min = 0.01,
                    max = 0.2,
                    value = 0.05,
                    step = 0.01),
        h6("Significance of study is most traditionally 0.05 (5%)"),

        #4. Meandiff (Difference Between Groups)
        numericInput(inputId = "meandiff",
                     label = "Expected Difference Between Group Means",
                     value = 20),

        #5. Alternative Test
        selectInput(inputId = "alt",
                    label = strong("Alternative Test Options"),
                    choices = c("Two-Sided" = "two.sided",
                                "Upper" = "greater",
                                "Lower" = "less"),
                    selected = "Two-Sided"),
        h6("If unsure, leave at 'Two-Sided'.")

      textOutput(outputId = "intro"),
      textOutput(outputId = "desc"),
        condition = "input.type == 'Sample Size'",
        textOutput(outputId = "samplesize")
        condition = "input.type == 'Power'",
        textOutput(outputId = "power")

server <- function(input, output) {

  #Introductory Text
  output$intro <- renderText({
    "Select an option and adjust the sliders and parameters."

  #Description of what has been chosen
  output$desc <- renderText({
    paste("You chose: ", input$type)

  #If Sample Size is selected, what is the sample size
  output$samplesize <- renderText({
    paste("Sample Size Per Group for Two-Sample t-test for Mean Diff
          Assuming Two Groups and Equal Variances: ",
          as.character(ceiling(pwr.t.test(d = input$meandiff / input$stddev,
                                          sig.level = input$alpha,
                                          power = input$power,
                                          type = "two.sample",
                                          alternative = input$alt)$n)))

  #If Power is selected, what is the power
  output$power <- renderText({
    paste("Power for Two-Sample t-test for Mean Diff Assuming Two Groups and
          Equal Variances: ",
          format(round(pwr.t.test(d = input$meandiff / input$stddev,
                                  sig.level = input$alpha,
                                  n = input$npergroup,
                                  type = "two.sample",
                                  alternative = input$alt)$power * 100, 2),
                 nsmall = 2))


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Sample Size and Power Calculator"),

      #What are we calculating?
      selectInput(inputId = "type",
                  label = strong("Calculator Options"),
                  choices = c("Pick an Option",
                              "Sample Size"),
                  selected = "Pick an Option"),

      #Display only if Sample Size is selected, ask for necessary parameters
        condition = "input.type == 'Sample Size'",

        #1. Standard Deviation
        numericInput(inputId = "stddev",
                     label = "Standard Deviation",
                     value = 10,
                     min = 1,
                     max = 400,
                     step = 1),

        #2. Power
        sliderInput(inputId = "power",
                    label = "Power of Study",
                    min = 0.5,
                    max = 0.99,
                    value = 0.8,
                    step = 0.01),
        h6("Power as a decimal not percentage."),
        h6("(0.8 means 80% power)"),

        #3. Alpha (Significance)
        sliderInput(inputId = "alpha",
                    label = "Significance of Study",
                    min = 0.01,
                    max = 0.2,
                    value = 0.05,
                    step = 0.01),
        h6("Significance of study is most traditionally 0.05 (5%)"),

        #4. Meandiff (Difference Between Groups)
        numericInput(inputId = "meandiff",
                     label = "Expected Difference Between Group Means",
                     value = 20),

        #5. Alternative Test
        selectInput(inputId = "alt",
                    label = strong("Alternative Test Options"),
                    choices = c("Two-Sided" = "two.sided",
                                "Upper" = "greater",
                                "Lower" = "less"),
                    selected = "Two-Sided"),
        h6("If unsure, leave at 'Two-Sided'.")

      #Display only if Power is selected, ask for necessary parameters
        condition = "input.type == 'Power'",

        #1. Standard Deviation
        numericInput(inputId = "stddev2",
                     label = "Standard Deviation",
                     value = 10,
                     min = 1,
                     max = 400,
                     step = 1),

        #2. Size Per Group
        numericInput(inputId = "npergroup",
                     label = "Number per Group",
                     value = 120),
        h6("Assuming equal number in each group, enter number for ONE group."),

        #3. Alpha (Significance)
        sliderInput(inputId = "alpha2",
                    label = "Significance of Study",
                    min = 0.01,
                    max = 0.2,
                    value = 0.05,
                    step = 0.01),
        h6("Significance of study is most traditionally 0.05 (5%)"),

        #4. Meandiff (Difference Between Groups)
        numericInput(inputId = "meandiff2",
                     label = "Expected Difference Between Group Means",
                     value = 20),

        #5. Alternative Test
        selectInput(inputId = "alt2",
                    label = strong("Alternative Test Options"),
                    choices = c("Two-Sided" = "two.sided",
                                "Upper" = "greater",
                                "Lower" = "less"),
                    selected = "Two-Sided"),
        h6("If unsure, leave at 'Two-Sided'.")

      textOutput(outputId = "intro"),
      textOutput(outputId = "desc"),
        condition = "input.type == 'Sample Size'",
        textOutput(outputId = "samplesize")
        condition = "input.type == 'Power'",
        textOutput(outputId = "power")

server <- function(input, output) {

  #Introductory Text
  output$intro <- renderText({
    "Select an option and adjust the sliders and parameters."

  #Description of what has been chosen
  output$desc <- renderText({
    paste("You chose: ", input$type)

  #If Sample Size is selected, what is the sample size
  output$samplesize <- renderText({
    paste("Sample Size Per Group for Two-Sample t-test for Mean Diff
          Assuming Two Groups and Equal Variances: ",
          as.character(ceiling(pwr.t.test(d = input$meandiff / input$stddev,
                                          sig.level = input$alpha,
                                          power = input$power,
                                          type = "two.sample",
                                          alternative = input$alt)$n)))

  #If Power is selected, what is the power
  output$power <- renderText({
    paste("Power for Two-Sample t-test for Mean Diff Assuming Two Groups and
          Equal Variances: ",
          format(round(pwr.t.test(d = input$meandiff2 / input$stddev2,
                                  sig.level = input$alpha2,
                                  n = input$npergroup,
                                  type = "two.sample",
                                  alternative = input$alt2)$power * 100, 2),
                 nsmall = 2))


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)