尝试查找至少1个项目的交易金额<= $ 10的交易

时间:2019-04-02 22:54:07

标签: sql oracle

我正在尝试查找不同交易的数量,数量之和,dollar_value_us的总和以及其中至少一项>> $ 10值的不同dividual_id的数量。我已经创建了一个SQL数据库。我也在试图在范围内打破dollar_value_us



individual_id | dollar_value_us | quantity | transaction_number | sku    | txn_date            | brand_org_code | is_merch | currency_code | line_item_amt_type_cd
------------: | --------------: | -------: | -----------------: | :----- | :------------------ | :------------- | -------: | :------------ | :--------------------
            1 |              10 |       30 |                567 | 903633 | 02/01/2019 00:00:00 | BRAND          |        1 | USD           | S                    
            1 |              20 |       30 |                567 | 123767 | 02/01/2019 00:00:00 | BRAND          |        1 | USD           | S                    
            2 |              11 |       80 |                910 | 363635 | 02/11/2019 00:00:00 | BRAND          |        1 | USD           | S                    
            3 |               9 |       62 |                855 | 678364 | 02/12/2019 00:00:00 | BRAND          |        1 | USD           | S                    

这是输出外观的示例: enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


select Dollar_Range, count(distinct individual_id), count(*), sum(quantity)
from (select t.*,
             (case when dollar_value_us < 10 then 'below $10'
                   when dollar_value_us < 20 then '$10 - $20'
                   when dollar_value_us < 30 then '$20 - $30'
                   when dollar_value_us < 40 then '$30 - $40'
                   when dollar_value_us < 50 then '$40 - $50'
                   else '$50 - above'
            end) as dollar_range
      from t
     ) t
group by dollar_range
order by min(dollar_value_us);

答案 1 :(得分:0)

select 'below $10' as Dollar_Range count(individual_id), count(transaction_number), sum(quantity) from myData where dollar_value_us < 10
select '$10 - $20' as Dollar_Range count(individual_id), count(transaction_number), sum(quantity) from myData where dollar_value_us >=10 and dollar_value_us < 20
select '$20 - $30' as Dollar_Range count(individual_id), count(transaction_number), sum(quantity) from myData where dollar_value_us >=20 and dollar_value_us < 30
select '$30 - $40' as Dollar_Range count(individual_id), count(transaction_number), sum(quantity) from myData where dollar_value_us >=30 and dollar_value_us < 40
select '$40 - $50' as Dollar_Range count(individual_id), count(transaction_number), sum(quantity) from myData where dollar_value_us >= 40 and dollar_value_us < 50
select '$50 - above' as Dollar_Range count(individual_id), count(transaction_number), sum(quantity) from myData where dollar_value_us >50