我的Cuda代码中有一个C ++ 14模板,该模板以lambda闭包为模板,分别为__device__
和warning: calling a __host__ function("Iter<(bool)1> ::Iter [subobject]")
from a __host__ __device__ function("Horizontal::Horizontal")
is not allowed
的只是模板的#pragma hd_warning_disable
#pragma hd_warning_enable
test.cu:44:0: warning: ignoring #pragma
hd_warning_enable [-Wunknown-pragmas]
#pragma hd_warning_enable
//#pragma hd_warning_disable
template<typename Lambda>
__host__ __device__
int hostDeviceFunction(const Lambda lambda)
return lambda();
int deviceFunction()
auto lambda = []() { return 0.0; };
return hostDeviceFunction( lambda );
int hostFunction()
auto lambda = []() { return 1.0; };
return hostDeviceFunction( lambda );
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class App(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self,):
self.master.title("Hello World")
def init_ui(self):
f = tk.Frame()
tk.Label(f, text = "Buon Appetito").pack()
cols = (["#0",'','w',False,200,200],
self.Pasta = self.get_tree(f, cols, show="tree")
self.Pasta.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, padx=2, pady=2)
self.Pasta.bind("<<TreeviewSelect>>", self.on_selected)
self.Pasta.bind("<Double-1>", self.on_double_click)
w = tk.Frame()
tk.Button(w, text="Load", command=self.set_values).pack()
tk.Button(w, text="Close", command=self.on_close).pack()
w.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=0)
f.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=0)
def set_values(self,):
#.insert(parent, index, iid=None, **kw)
rs = [(0,'Spaghetti'),(1,'Rigatoni'),(2,'Pennette')]
for i in rs:
pasta = self.Pasta.insert("", i[0], text=i[1], values=(i[0],'pasta'))
rs_dishes = self.load_dishes(i[0])
if rs_dishes is not None:
for dish in rs_dishes:
wards = self.Pasta.insert(pasta, dish[0],text=dish[1], values=(dish[0],'dishes'))
def load_dishes(self, i):
rs = [(0,'Spaghetti aglio e olio'),
(1,'Rigatoni alla matriciana'),
(1,'Rigatoni al pesto'),
(1,'Rigatoni alla norma'),
(2,'Pennette al pesto'),
(2,'Pennette alla wodka'),
(2,'Pennette al tartufo'),
(0,'Spaghetti allo scoglio'),
(0,'Spaghetti al pesto'),
(0,'Spaghetti alla carbonara'),
(0,'Spaghetti alla puttanesca')]
r = [x for x in rs if x[0] == i]
return r
def on_selected(self, evt=None):
selected_item = self.Pasta.focus()
d = self.Pasta.item(selected_item)
if d['values']:
if d['values'][1]=='dishes':
pk = d['values'][0]
print("pk: {}".format(pk))
def on_double_click(self, evt=None):
if self.Pasta.focus():
item_iid = self.Pasta.selection()
pk = self.Pasta.item(self.Pasta.focus())['text']
print(item_iid, pk)
def get_tree(self,container, cols, size=None, show=None):
headers = []
for col in cols:
del headers[0]
if show is not None:
w = ttk.Treeview(container,show=show)
w = ttk.Treeview(container,)
for col in cols:
w.heading(col[0], text=col[1], anchor=col[2],)
w.column(col[0], anchor=col[2], stretch=col[3],minwidth=col[4], width=col[5])
sb = ttk.Scrollbar(container)
w.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand =1)
sb.pack(fill=tk.Y, expand=1)
return w
def on_close(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = App()
答案 0 :(得分:3)
不需要使用#pragma hd_warning_enable
之类的东西,因为#pragma hd_warning_enable
也有#pragma nv_exec_check_disable
参见例如this conversation。
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#pragma hd_warning_disable
//#pragma nv_exec_check_disable
template<typename Lambda>
__host__ __device__
int hostDeviceFunction1(const Lambda lambda)
return lambda()*1.0;
int hostFunction1()
auto lambda = []() { return 1.0; };
return hostDeviceFunction1( lambda );
template<typename Lambda>
__host__ __device__
int hostDeviceFunction2(const Lambda lambda)
return lambda()*2.0;
int hostFunction2()
auto lambda = []() { return 2.0; };
return hostDeviceFunction2( lambda );
int main()
std::cout << "hostFunction1: " << hostFunction1() << std::endl;
assert(hostFunction1() == 1.0);
std::cout << "hostFunction2: " << hostFunction2() << std::endl;
assert(hostFunction2() == 4.0);
return 0;
$ nvcc pragma_test.cu
pragma_test.cu(24): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction2(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]"
(31): here
答案 1 :(得分:1)
在某些情况下,避免警告的另一种方法是制作较低级的函数sum((n-2*a) for a in 1...n/2) = n²/4 - n/2 = Ω(n²).
与未记录的实用程序相比,这具有template<typename Lambda>
constexpr int constexprFunction(Lambda&& lambda)
return lambda();
int hostFunction()
auto lambda = []() { return 1.0; };
return constexprFunction( lambda );
__host__ __device__
int hostDeviceFunction()
auto lambda = []() { return 0.0; };
return constexprFunction( lambda );
的确切行为仍未被记录,并且其与标准的一致性不是100%。例如,以上示例在C ++ 14模式下使用nvcc
10.1.243,但在C ++ 11下不起作用。并且,如果将函数的签名更改为nvcc
,警告仍然会出现,因此constexpr int constexprFunction(const Lambda lambda)