我有带有GNOME 3.22.2的Debian 9。
快捷键盘最小化所有窗口。该命令在Ubuntu 18.04中可用,但在Debian中不可用。我想将键盘快捷键添加到自定义快捷键,但是我不知道添加该快捷键的命令。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在Debian 9中,默认情况下隐藏所有不活动的普通窗口,我在导航部分的键盘快捷方式列表中找到了它,并设置了 * @param Object simulators a parsed list from `xcrun simctl list --json devices` command
* @param String|null simulatorName the string with the name of desired simulator. If null, it will use the currently
* booted simulator, or if none are booted, the first in the list.
* @returns {Object} {udid, name, version}
function findMatchingSimulator(simulators, simulatorName) {
if (!simulators.devices) {
return null;
const devices = simulators.devices;
var match;
for (let version in devices) {
// Making sure the version of the simulator is an iOS (Removes Apple Watch, etc)
if (version.indexOf('iOS') !== 0) {
for (let i in devices[version]) {
let simulator = devices[version][i];
// Skipping non-available simulator
if (simulator.availability !== '(available)') {
// If there is a booted simulator, we'll use that as instruments will not boot a second simulator
if (simulator.state === 'Booted') {
if (simulatorName !== null) {
console.warn("We couldn't boot your defined simulator due to an already booted simulator. We are limited to one simulator launched at a time.");
return {
udid: simulator.udid,
name: simulator.name,
if (simulator.name === simulatorName && !match) {
match = {
udid: simulator.udid,
name: simulator.name,
// Keeps track of the first available simulator for use if we can't find one above.
if (simulatorName === null && !match) {
match = {
udid: simulator.udid,
name: simulator.name,
if (match) {
return match;
return null;
module.exports = findMatchingSimulator;