我正在尝试在NetLogo上应用基于代理的计算经济学。但是我正在努力编写一个积分方程(她:/ int):
Yt = Ls ^1-ε · [/int between upper Qt+1 and lower Qt] x(qt)^ε dqt
请考虑一个拥有 Ls 高技能工人和 Lu 低技能工人的国家。在任何时候 t ,一家代表公司都会使用高技能的劳动力和衡量差异化中间产品之一的尺寸来组装总消费品 Yt 。通过生产中自动化流程的效率来订购公司。具体来说,让 qt 是企业在生产过程中持续不断的特定于企业的自动化效率,而 x(qt)表示最终产品生产中的中间投入量。然后,假设 Cobb-Douglas技术最终产品生产功能由...提供(请参见:屏幕截图) ε∈(0,1)是输出相对于中间输入的弹性。
breed [ firm firms ]
globals [
; defines global variables or parameters and are accessible anywhere in the model by all agents
t ; time
Ls ; high-skilled labour
Lu ; low-skilled labour
Yt ; representative firm assembles an aggregate consumption good
qt ; continous firm-specific efficiency of automation in production
x-qt ; quantity of an intermediate input in final goods production
Qt ; efficiency in automation of the least productive firm
Qt+1 ; efficiency in automation of the most productive firm
to setup
ask patches [ set pcolor white ] ;; creates blank background
create-firms n-firms [ ; number of firms in slider
setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;; distributes the firms randomly
set size 1
set shape "house"
set color grey
set Yt ; adds firm-specific variable of output
set qt ; adds firm-specific variable of efficiency of automation
set x-qt ; adds firm-specific variable of input needed
reset-ticks ; resets the tick counter to zero