我不确定是否有人尝试过此方法,或者该学科是否使用了不同的术语,因为我的研究很少或没有,但是我很愿意提出这个案例,如果以前曾提出过。 / p>
void swipeUntilFound(By method, int attempts, MobileElement targetElement) {
int limitCount = 0;
double startScrollPoint = 0.8;
double endScrollPoint = 0.25;
MobileElement lastViewPoint = null;
MobileElement currentViewPoint;
int lastViewPointPosition = 0;
while (limitCount < attempts || driver.findElements(method).isEmpty()) {
if(lastViewPoint != null) {
lastViewPointPosition = lastViewPoint.getLocation().getY();
swipeVertical(startScrollPoint, endScrollPoint, 3000);
currentViewPoint = (MobileElement) driver.switchTo().activeElement();
try {
System.out.println("last Element in View: " + lastViewPoint.hashCode() + "Location: " + lastViewPoint.getLocation());
System.out.println("Current Element in View: " + currentViewPoint.hashCode() + "Location: " + currentViewPoint.getLocation());
catch (NullPointerException e) {
if(lastViewPoint == null || lastViewPoint.hashCode() != currentViewPoint.hashCode()) {
System.out.println("Last and Current don't match.");
lastViewPoint = currentViewPoint;
else if( lastViewPointPosition == lastViewPoint.getLocation().getY() ||
lastViewPoint.hashCode() == currentViewPoint.hashCode()) {
System.out.println("Last and Current match");
double temp = startScrollPoint;
startScrollPoint = endScrollPoint;
endScrollPoint = temp;
if(limitCount == attempts) {
System.out.println("Unable to find Specified Element.");
}else {
targetElement = driver.findElement(method);
System.out.println("Element " + method.toString() + " was found.");