from openpyxl import load_workbook
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
import datetime
import time
class ManualReporter:
def __init__(self):
Initializes Variables for use within the Class
Hides the tkinter pop-up when using the file dialog
self.sap_file = None
self.tracker_file = None
self.wb_sap = None
self.wb_wt = None
self.XT = 0
self.deadrows = []
def open_sapfile(self):
Sets the sap_file variable to be the first directory to the SAP Report based on what the User Selects in the File Dialog
Sets that directory and the file as the current workbook under the variable self.wb_sap
Creates a Backup of the SAP Report so that if Errors Occur a Fresh Clean Copy is Present
self.sap_file = askopenfilename()
self.wb_sap = load_workbook(filename=self.sap_file)
# Code to create a backup File in-case of Error or Fault
copyfile = "Untimed_Report_SAP_" + str(datetime.date.today())+".xlsx"
def open_tracker(self):
Same as Above, sets self.tracker_file as a filedialog which retrieves the file's directory (User Inputted)
Loads the File Workbook as self.wb_wt
Creates a Backup of the Second SAP Report so that if Error Occurs a Clean Copy is Present.
self.tracker_file = askopenfilename()
self.wb_wt = load_workbook(filename=self.tracker_file)
def check_rows(self):
Sets the Active Sheets in Both the Workbook Variables,
Creates a New Sheet in the Newest Report to Contain the Modified Data,
Iterates through the Rows of the Two Sheets checking for a Comparison in Part Number,
OpCode and then Compares the X/T/P Classification and Adjusts Data in Second Sheet
start = time.time()
sap = self.wb_sap.worksheets[0] #Sets The First Sheet in the Excel Workbook as the variable sap
wt = self.wb_wt.worksheets[0]#Sets the First Sheet in the Second Report as the var wt
ws1 = self.wb_sap.create_sheet("Sheet1", 1)#Create a Spare Sheet in the First Report to place the Adjusted Data
ws1 = self.wb_sap.worksheets[1]#Sets ws1 as the Active Second Sheet for New Data
for saprow in sap.iter_rows():
for wtrow in wt.iter_rows():
if (saprow[3].value == wtrow[4].value and int(saprow[2].value) == int(wtrow[5].value)):# IF Material NUM & OPCode MATCH DO:
if wtrow[7].value in ("T","P"): #WT Entry is Marked as T/P
if saprow[4].value is "X": #SAP Report Entry is Marked as X
self.XT += 1#Increment X->Ts Counts
if saprow not in self.deadrows:
end = time.time()
#print("Finished, Total X->Ts: ", self.XT)
print("Time Taken: ", (end - start))
x = ManualReporter()
if saprow not in self.deadrows:
for i in saprow:
#Code to Create a row in ws1.
#Code to Append value of saprow[i] to current ws1 rows
编辑1:我包括了将行追加到复制的工作表的尝试。 编辑2:虽然我要手动遍历Saprow并将数据追加到新工作表的行中,但我很烦恼自己。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
self.workbook = load_workbook(filename="filepath")
sheet1 = self.workbook.worksheet[0]
sheet2 = self.workbook.create_sheet("Sheet 2")
sheet2 = self.workbook.worksheets[1]
for row in sheet1.iter_rows():
sheet2.append([cell.value for cell in row])
self.RowsToExclude = Some List containing row data that will be excluded.
for row in sheet1.iter_rows():
if row not in self.RowsToExclude:
ws1.append([cell.value for cell in row])