
时间:2019-03-27 02:33:55

标签: string io stream fortran eol

以下代码试图将文件读取到存储字符的存储块中,并从该块中读取数据,而不是从原始文件中读取数据。 (代码是根据here进行修改的)

      program read_file
      implicit none
      integer :: n
      character(len=:), allocatable :: s
      character(len=5) :: a, b

      open(unit=10, file="read_file.f", action="read",
 1     form="unformatted", access="stream")
      inquire(unit=10, size=n)
      allocate(character(n) :: s)

      read(10) s

      print "(A)", s

      read ( s, * ) a

      read ( s, * ) b

      print *, a

      print * , b ! meant to read from the previously visited place

      end program read_file

当尝试从字符块“ s”中读取时,程序始终从其开头读取,而不是在读取文本文件时连续读取。因此,“ a”和“ b”完全相同。有没有办法像读取文件一样读取's'?谢谢!

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