“ how to call stored procedure with multiple tables in hibernate hbm file and pojo and also java class”
SELECT * FROM audibooking详细说明audi RIGHT JOIN bookingstudentstatus bss on audi.booking_id = bss.booking_id WHERE bss.cc_incharge_approval ='waiting'AND(audi.event_date> = CURDATE())ORDER BY event_date ASC;
END **
查询查询= session.createSQLQuery(“ CALL BackStageView()”); //我们可以向上述stmt添加多个addEntity属性,因为该存储过程结合了2个表????? 结果=(列表)query.list();
li = hsp.GetBackStageView(“ adc”);
Iterator it = li.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AudiBookingDetails abd = (AudiBookingDetails) it.next();// Not able to cast it.next() value to hibernate entity
String fullname = abd.getFaculty_student_name().toUpperCase();
String event_title = abd.getEvent_title().toUpperCase();
String booking_id = abd.getBooking_id();