struct notifications: Decodable {
let count: Int
let results: [results]?
struct results: Decodable {
let area: String
let post: [post]
struct post: Decodable {
let text:String
"count": 7,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "4188673013",
"author": {
"user": 1,
"name": "admin",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "The sampledata superuser.\nLogin: `admin:password123`",
"banned": false
"anonym": false,
"subscribed": true,
"created": "2019-02-27T05:18:15.807202Z",
"active": true,
"text": "testing anonym",
"image": null,
"additional_images": [],
"comments": []
"id": "5822615812",
"author": {
"user": 1,
"name": "admin",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "The sampledata superuser.\nLogin: `admin:password123`",
"banned": false
"anonym": false,
"subscribed": true,
"created": "2019-02-23T23:21:15.610355Z",
"active": true,
"text": "testing anonym",
"image": null,
"additional_images": [],
"comments": []
"id": "6398321511",
"author": {
"user": 1,
"name": "admin",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "The sampledata superuser.\nLogin: `admin:password123`",
"banned": false
"anonym": false,
"subscribed": true,
"created": "2019-02-23T22:31:16.853392Z",
"active": true,
"text": "testing anonym",
"image": null,
"additional_images": [],
"comments": []
"id": "3377948310",
"author": null,
"anonym": true,
"subscribed": true,
"created": "2019-02-23T02:35:29.093044Z",
"active": true,
"text": "testing anonym",
"image": null,
"additional_images": [],
"comments": []
"id": "401558607",
"author": {
"user": 1,
"name": "admin",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "The sampledata superuser.\nLogin: `admin:password123`",
"banned": false
"anonym": false,
"subscribed": true,
"created": "2019-02-22T03:24:39.827535Z",
"active": true,
"text": "This is a test from the iOS app. Just making sure the severs can read this!",
"image": null,
"additional_images": [],
"comments": []
"id": "293944243",
"author": null,
"anonym": true,
"subscribed": true,
"created": "2019-02-20T23:54:44.394823Z",
"active": true,
"text": "Example anon post by admin user.",
"image": "http://localhost:8000/media/images/316543563559387320642618685485080866736.png",
"additional_images": [],
"comments": [
"id": 5,
"author": {
"user": 1,
"name": "admin",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "The sampledata superuser.\nLogin: `admin:password123`",
"banned": false
"created": "2019-02-20T23:54:44.403393Z",
"text": "Hey, who are you to claim that you are me.",
"image": null
"id": 6,
"author": {
"user": 2,
"name": "user",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "",
"banned": false
"created": "2019-02-20T23:54:44.408061Z",
"text": "It would be funny, if it were actually you.",
"image": null
"id": "603485211",
"author": {
"user": 1,
"name": "admin",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "The sampledata superuser.\nLogin: `admin:password123`",
"banned": false
"anonym": false,
"subscribed": true,
"created": "2019-02-20T23:54:44.322104Z",
"active": true,
"text": "Post by admin\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
"image": null,
"additional_images": [],
"comments": [
"id": 1,
"author": {
"user": 1,
"name": "admin",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "The sampledata superuser.\nLogin: `admin:password123`",
"banned": false
"created": "2019-02-20T23:54:44.335768Z",
"text": "First comment, by admin.\n\nPhasellus fringilla odio vitae nibh aliquet facilisis.",
"image": null
"id": 2,
"author": {
"user": 2,
"name": "user",
"avatar": null,
"bio": "",
"banned": false
"created": "2019-02-20T23:54:44.341323Z",
"text": "Another comment.\n\nNunc pellentesque urna eget ipsum vestibulum luctus. Praesent fermentum purus at pellentesque molestie.",
"image": null
guard let data = data else {return}
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let notificationsDataArray = try decoder.decode(notifications.self, from: data)
for results in notificationsDataArray.results!{
for posts in results.post{
self.Recent1.text = posts.text
@IBOutlet weak var Recent1: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var Recent2: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var Recent3: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var Recent4: UILabel!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
struct Notifications : Decodable {
let count: Int
let results: [Post]
struct Post : Decodable {
let id: String
let author: Author?
let anonym: Bool
let subscribed: Bool
let created: String
let active: Bool
let text: String
let image: URL?
let comments: [Comment]
struct Comment : Decodable { ...
struct Author : Decodable { ...
@IBOutlet weak var recent1: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var recent2: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var recent3: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var recent4: UILabel!
let labelArray = [recent1, recent2, recent3, recent4]
guard let data = data else { return }
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let notifications = try decoder.decode(Notifications.self, from: data)
var counter = 0
for post in notifications.results {
labelArray[counter].text = post.text
if counter == 3 { break }
counter += 1
} catch {