这怎么可能? (链表实现的Junit异常测试

时间:2019-03-22 20:08:39

标签: java junit linked-list


public Position<T> previous (Position<T> p) throws PositionException {
    if (this.first(p)) {
        throw new PositionException();
    return this.convert(p).prev;


@Test (expected=PositionException.class)
public void gettingPreviousAtFront() {
    Position<String> one = list.insertFront("One");
    Position<String> two = list.insertFront("Two");
    Position<String> beforeTwo = list.previous(two);

有1个失败:1)   GettingPreviousAtFront(hw6.test.LinkedListTest)   java.lang.AssertionError:预期的异常:   位于的exceptions.PositionException   org.junit.internal.runners.statements.ExpectException.evaluate(ExpectException.java:32)



package hw6;

import exceptions.EmptyException;
import exceptions.PositionException;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class LinkedList<T> implements List<T> {

    private static final class Node<T> implements Position<T> {
        // The usual doubly-linked list stuff.
        Node<T> next;   // reference to the Node after this
        Node<T> prev;   // reference to the Node before this
        T data;

        // List that created this node, to validate positions.
        List<T> owner;

        public T get() {
            return this.data;

        public void put(T t) {
            this.data = t;

    /** This iterator can be used to create either a forward
        iterator, or a backwards one.
    private final class ListIterator implements Iterator<T> {
        Node<T> current;
        boolean forward;

        ListIterator(boolean f) {
            this.forward = f;
            if (this.forward) {
                this.current = LinkedList.this.sentinelHead.next;
            } else {
                this.current = LinkedList.this.sentinelTail.prev;

        public T next() throws NoSuchElementException {
            if (!this.hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            T t = this.current.get();
            if (this.forward) {
                this.current = this.current.next;
            } else {
                this.current = this.current.prev;
            return t;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (this.forward) {
                return this.current != LinkedList.this.sentinelTail;
            else {
                return this.current != LinkedList.this.sentinelHead;

    /* ** LinkedList instance variables are declared here! ** */

    private Node<T> sentinelHead;
    private Node<T> sentinelTail;
    private int length;             // how many nodes in the list

     * Create an empty list.
    public LinkedList() {
        this.sentinelHead = new Node<>();
        this.sentinelTail = new Node<>();
        this.sentinelHead.owner = this;
        this.sentinelTail.owner = this;
        this.sentinelTail.prev = this.sentinelHead;
        this.sentinelHead.next = this.sentinelTail;
        this.length = 0;

    // Convert a position back into a node. Guards against null positions,
    // positions from other data structures, and positions that belong to
    // other LinkedList objects. That about covers it?
    private Node<T> convert(Position<T> p) throws PositionException {
        try {
            Node<T> n = (Node<T>) p;
            if (n.owner != this) {
                throw new PositionException();
            return n;
        } catch (NullPointerException | ClassCastException e) {
            throw new PositionException();

    public boolean empty() {
        return this.length == 0;

    public int length() {
        return this.length;

    public boolean first(Position<T> p) throws PositionException {
        Node<T> n = this.convert(p);
        return this.sentinelHead.next == n;

    public boolean last(Position<T> p) throws PositionException {
        Node<T> n = this.convert(p);
        return this.sentinelTail.prev == n;

    public Position<T> front() throws EmptyException {
        if (this.length == 0) {
            throw new EmptyException();
        return this.sentinelHead.next;

    public Position<T> back() throws EmptyException {
        if (this.empty()) {
            throw new EmptyException();
        return this.sentinelTail.prev;

    public Position<T> next(Position<T> p) throws PositionException {
        if (this.last(p)) {
            throw new PositionException();
        return this.convert(p).next;

    public Position<T> previous(Position<T> p) throws PositionException {
        if (this.first(p)) {
            throw new PositionException();
        return this.convert(p).prev;

    public Position<T> insertFront(T t) {
        return this.insertAfter(this.sentinelHead, t);

    public Position<T> insertBack(T t) {
        return this.insertBefore(this.sentinelTail, t);

    public void removeFront() throws EmptyException {

    public void removeBack() throws EmptyException {

    public void remove(Position<T> p) throws PositionException {
        Node<T> n = this.convert(p);
        n.owner = null;
        n.prev.next = n.next;
        n.next.prev = n.prev;

    public Position<T> insertBefore(Position<T> p, T t)
            throws PositionException {
        Node<T> current = this.convert(p);
        Node<T> n = new Node<T>();
        n.owner = this;
        n.data = t;

        n.prev = current.prev;
        current.prev.next = n;
        n.next = current;
        current.prev = n;
        return n;

    public Position<T> insertAfter(Position<T> p, T t)
            throws PositionException {
        Node<T> current = this.convert(p);
        Node<T> n = new Node<T>();
        n.owner = this;
        n.data = t;

        n.next = current.next;
        current.next.prev = n;
        n.prev = current;
        current.next = n;
        return n;

    public Iterator<T> forward() {
        return new ListIterator(true);

    public Iterator<T> backward() {
        return new ListIterator(false);

    public Iterator<T> iterator() {
        return this.forward();

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        for (Node<T> n = this.sentinelHead.next; n != this.sentinelTail; n = n.next) {
            if (n.next != this.sentinelTail) {
                s.append(", ");
        return s.toString();

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