
时间:2019-03-21 17:20:09

标签: c# wpf wpfdatagrid xceed maskedtextbox


我有一个DataGrid,其中有两列,分别代表纬度和经度。 ItemsSource绑定到模型类CustomVertex的集合,该模型类包含两个属性:XY,它们是double


我在MaskedTextBox的单元格中使用Xceed的DataGrid,并且将Mask属性绑定到ViewModel中的字符串属性以更改{{1 }}只要格式更改。这确实会更改掩码,但是会清除Mask本身中的所有值,而不是对其进行转换。 MaskedTextBox中的任何用户输入也不会触发任何东西。



这是我的窗口.xaml中的public class CustomVertex : ValidatableModel { /// <summary> /// Represents the X-Coordinate (Longitude) /// </summary> private double _x; public double X { get { return _x; } set { if (_x != value) { _x = value; RaisePropertyChanged("X"); } } } /// <summary> /// Represents the Y-Coordinate (Latitude) /// </summary> private double _y; public double Y { get { return _y; } set { if (_y != value) { _y = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Y"); } } } public CustomVertex(double latitude, double longitude) { Y = latitude; X = longitude; } public CustomVertex() { Y = 0; X = 0; } } (此处仅显示纬度列,而经度列则完全相同)。我还包括了DataGrid,以防万一:


这里是<RadioButton Name="degRB" Checked="VertexFormatRB_Checked" IsChecked="{Binding Path=SelectedVertexType, Converter={StaticResource EBConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static enums:VertexType.DDD}}" GroupName="UnitType" Content="Deg" /> <RadioButton Name="degMinRB" Checked="VertexFormatRB_Checked" IsChecked="{Binding Path=SelectedVertexType, Converter={StaticResource EBConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static enums:VertexType.DDDMM}}" GroupName="UnitType" Content="Deg Min"/> <RadioButton Name="degMinSecRB" Checked="VertexFormatRB_Checked" IsChecked="{Binding Path=SelectedVertexType, Converter={StaticResource EBConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static enums:VertexType.DDDMMSS}}" GroupName="UnitType" Content="Deg Min Sec"/> <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Vertices}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" IsReadOnly="False"> <DataGrid.Columns> <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Latitude" IsReadOnly="False"> <DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <xctk:MaskedTextBox Mask="{Binding DataContext.Mask, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}"> <xctk:MaskedTextBox.Text> <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource VertexConverter}" UpdateSourceTrigger="Default"> <Binding Path="Y" /> <Binding Path="DataContext.SelectedVertexType" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=Window}" /> </MultiBinding> </xctk:MaskedTextBox.Text> </xctk:MaskedTextBox> </DataTemplate> </DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> </DataGridTemplateColumn> </DataGrid.Columns> </DataGrid> ,用于将VertexConverter的值切换为正确的格式。我从Y中遗漏了一些东西,但是您应该明白要点:


最后,public sealed class VertexConverter : IMultiValueConverter { private VertexType vertexType = VertexType.DDD; public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { if (values[0] == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) { return null; } if ((VertexType)values[1] == VertexType.DDD) { vertexType = VertexType.DDD; return Math.Round((double)values[0], 9).ToString(); } else if ((VertexType)values[1] == VertexType.DDDMM) { vertexType = VertexType.DDDMM; double dd = Math.Truncate((double)values[0]); double mm = Math.Round(((double)values[0] - dd) * 60, 7); return dd + "°" + " " + mm + '"'; } else if ((VertexType)values[1] == VertexType.DDDMMSS) { vertexType = VertexType.DDDMMSS; return DecimalDegreesHelper.GetDegreesMinutesSecondsFromDecimalDegree((double)values[0]).ToString(); } else { return ""; } } public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { object[] ret = new object[2]; if (vertexType == VertexType.DDD) { ret[0] = double.Parse(value.ToString()); ret[1] = vertexType; } else if (vertexType == VertexType.DDDMM) { //more stuff } else { //more stuff } return ret; } } 的必要部分:



const string DDD_MASK = "####.#########"; //ex: -170.112233440
const string DDDMM_MASK = ""; //todo
const string DDDMMSS_MASK = ""; //todo

public ObservableCollection<CustomVertex> Vertices { get; set; } //DataGrid is bound to this. Set to new collection in vm's constructor

private VertexType _selectedVertexType;
public VertexType SelectedVertexType
    get => _selectedVertexType;
        _selectedVertexType = value;
        if (value == VertexType.DDD)
            Mask = DDD_MASK;
        else if (value == VertexType.DDDMM)
            Mask = DDDMM_MASK;
        else if (value == VertexType.DDDMMSS)
            Mask = DDDMMSS_MASK;

public string Mask { get; set; }

我尝试从public enum VertexType { DDD, DDDMM, DDDMMSS } 中取出Mask的值,并为ViewModel属性使用另一个Converter,但这引发了相同的错误。


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