我在这里提出的问题与 Generic parameters declaration in static member
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class PreferencesForFruits {
interface Fruit{}
static class Banana implements Fruit {}
static class Apple implements Fruit {}
// a class describing the packaging of a fruit;
// it depends on the type of consumer of the fruit
static class FruitBox<F extends Fruit, C extends Consumer<F>> {
// constructor (note that it doesn't accept wildcards,
// therefore its client must specify fixed types)
FruitBox(F f,C c) {}
// preferences for apples and bananas specified in two nested classes:
public static class PrefsForApples<AC extends Consumer<Apple>> {
// a functional object specifying
// how to pack a fruit for a customer
BiFunction<Apple,AC,FruitBox<Apple,AC>> packingBiFunction =
(Apple a, AC ac) -> new FruitBox<Apple,AC>(a,ac);
public static class PrefsForBananas<BS extends Consumer<Banana>> {
// ......
// convenience methods to obtained preferences;
// the argument is used here only to fix the generic type of the output
static <AC extends Consumer<Apple>>
PrefsForApples<AC> newPrefsForApples(AC appleConsumer) {
return new PrefsForApples<AC>();
static <BC extends Consumer<Banana>>
PrefsForBananas<BC> newPrefsForBananas(BC bananaSupplierDummy) {
return new PrefsForBananas<BC>();
* Now using fields of raw type to avoid creation of distinct instances
// Here are the raw type variables mentioned in the question:
private PrefsForApples prefsForApples;
private PrefsForBananas prefsForBananas;
// the convenience methods convert the raw type
// to the required type
<AC extends Consumer<Apple>>
PrefsForApples<AC> prefsForApplesRaw(AC appleConsumer) {
return (PrefsForApples<AC>) prefsForApples;
<BC extends Consumer<Banana>>
PrefsForBananas<BC> prefsForBananasRaw(BC bananaSupplierDummy) {
return (PrefsForBananas<BC>) prefsForBananas;