如何在hmtl php sql中使数据透视表可编辑

时间:2019-03-20 05:16:54

标签: php html sql

这是我要使其可编辑。我可以在一个简单的表中完成此操作,但是采用这种方法,我很难使该表在其单元格中变得可编辑。我已经搜索了很多次,但仍然没有解决这个问题。希望有人能帮上忙,因为这是我在学术界的论文。 :'(


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我希望 得分 (“检查”列中的 )变得可编辑,并因此在其sql数据库中进行更新。


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$db = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'deped');
$iddd = 6;    
$iddds = 1;
$idddds = 1;
$idyear = 1;

define('THE_NUMBER', 'SC'); // !important
define('THE_TYPE',     'fullname');         // !imortant
define('SCORE',   'component_value');       // !important    

$query = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT CONCAT(l_name,', ',f_name,' ',m_name) AS fullname, CONCAT(tbl_qa.description,'  /',hps) AS SC, component_value FROM tbl_student, tbl_grade, tbl_qa WHERE tbl_grade.component=3 AND tbl_grade.sub_component=tbl_qa.id AND tbl_student.sid=tbl_grade.stud_id AND tbl_grade.sub_component=tbl_qa.id AND tbl_grade.subject_id=$iddds AND tbl_grade.grading=$idddds AND tbl_grade.year_level=$idyear GROUP BY tbl_grade.hps, fullname ORDER BY tbl_qa.description ASC, tbl_grade.sub_component_number_ex, tbl_grade.hps ASC");

$allType = array();
$sidesql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_student, tbl_grade WHERE tbl_student.section=$iddd GROUP BY tbl_student.sid ORDER BY l_name";
$sidesqls = mysqli_query($db,$sidesql);
$arr = array();
while($rowsss = mysqli_fetch_array($sidesqls)){
    $arr = $rowsss['l_name']. ', ' .$rowsss['f_name']. ' '.$rowsss['m_name'];
        array_push($allType , $arr);

$outputNumber = array(); 
$currentInputRow = mysqli_fetch_array($query);

$r_arr = array();

while (isset($currentInputRow[THE_NUMBER])) { 

  $currentNumber = $currentInputRow[THE_NUMBER];

  $theTypeNumber = array();

  foreach ($allType as $type) {
    $theTypeNumber[$type] = '--';

  while ($currentInputRow[THE_NUMBER] == $currentNumber) { 

    $theTypeNumber[$currentInputRow[THE_TYPE]] = $currentInputRow[SCORE];

    $currentInputRow = mysqli_fetch_array($query);

   $currentOutputRowIdx = 0;

   $outputNumber[$currentOutputRowIdx][] = $currentNumber;


    $item = explode('/', $currentNumber);

   foreach ($allType as $outType) {
       $score = $theTypeNumber[$outType];
       if($theTypeNumber[$outType] == '--') {
           $score = 0;

       $r_arr[$currentOutputRowIdx][] = (($score/$item[1])*50+50);

     $outputNumber[$currentOutputRowIdx][] = $theTypeNumber[$outType];


foreach($r_arr as $k => $v) {
    $tt = 0;
    $cnt = 0;
    foreach($v as $k1 => $v2) {
        if($v2 == "--") {
            $v2 = 0;
        $tt += $v2;

    array_push($outputNumber[$k], "<b><i>".round($tt/$cnt,2)."</i></b>");
    array_push($outputNumber[$k], "<b><i>".round(($tt/$cnt)*0.20    , 2).'%'."</i></b>");


if(count($outputNumber) !=0) {
    array_push($outputNumber[0], "<b>Percentage Score<b>");
    array_push($outputNumber[0], "<b> Weighted Score (20%)<b>");

$currentType = -1; 

echo '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">';
foreach ($outputNumber as $oneOutputRow) {

  echo '<tr>';

  if ($currentType < 0) {
    echo '<td>'. 'Student' .'</td>';
  else {
    echo '<td  style="text-transform:capitalize;">'. $allType[$currentType] .'</td>';

  foreach($oneOutputRow as $column) {
    echo '<td>'. $column .'</td>';
  echo '</tr>';

echo '</table>';



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



但是您可以通过将其与jEditable jQuery插件连接来实现,如here
