IF和ELSE IF代码帮助-批处理脚本

时间:2019-03-18 06:34:56

标签: batch-file

我只需要以下示例批处理脚本代码中的if条件方面的帮助,如何实现if和else if条件?如果在运行inw Windows命令时无法在我的.bat文件中识别:

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem // constant variables
set "_ROOT=%~dp0." & rem // (common root directory; `%~dp0.` is script's parent, `.` is current)
set "_DIR1=%_ROOT%\Directory1" & rem // (1st directory containing files)
set "_DIR2=%_ROOT%\Directory2" & rem // (2nd directory containing files)
set _MASKS="*INV*" "*SLS*"     & rem // (list of quoted file masks)
set "_TMP1=%TEMP%\%~n0_1_%RANDOM%.tmp" & rem // (1st temporary file)
set "_TMP2=%TEMP%\%~n0_2_%RANDOM%.tmp" & rem // (2nd temporary file)

rem // Resolve 1st directory to be an absolute path:
for %%E in ("%_DIR1%") do set "RDIR1=%%~fE"
rem // Resolve 2nd directory to be an absolute path:
for %%E in ("%_DIR2%") do set "RDIR2=%%~fE"

rem // Write all matching files in 1st directory to 1st temporary file:
pushd "%RDIR1%" && (
    for %%F in (%_MASKS%) do (
) > "%_TMP1%"
rem // Write all matching files in 2nd directory to 2nd temporary file:
pushd "%RDIR2%" && (
    for %%F in (%_MASKS%) do (
) > "%_TMP2%"

rem // Loop over all common files from both temporary files:
for /F %%L in ('findstr /L /I /X /G:"%_TMP1%" "%_TMP2%"') do (
    rem // Build absolute `wmic`-compatible file paths:
    set "FILE1=%RDIR1:\=\\%\\%%L" & set "FILE2=%RDIR2:\=\\%\\%%L"
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    rem set "FILE1=%!FILE1:&=&!" & set "FILE2=%!FILE2:&=&!"
    rem // Get standardised file date/time (last modification) of 1st file by `wmic`:
    for /F %%K in ('wmic DataFile where "Name='!FILE1!'" get LastModified') do set "DATE1=%%K"
    rem // Get standardised file date/time (last modification) of 2nd file by `wmic`:
    for /F %%K in ('wmic DataFile where "Name='!FILE2!'" get LastModified') do set "DATE2=%%K"
    rem // Compare file dates/times (last mod.) of both files and return differing ones:

    if !DATE1! gtr !DATE2! (echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is newer than "!FILE2:\\=\!")
   else if !DATE1! leq !DATE2! (echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is older than "!FILE2:\\=\!")
   else if !DATE1! equ !DATE2! (echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is same with  "!FILE2:\\=\!")


rem // Clean up temporary files:
del "%_TMP1%" "%_TMP2%"

exit /B


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

使用lss代替leq。因此,我们将具有“小于” “大于” “等于” ,这似乎是您想要的。


if !DATE1! gtr !DATE2! (
     echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is newer than "!FILE2:\\=\!"
   ) else if !DATE1! lss !DATE2! (
          echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is older than "!FILE2:\\=\!"
    ) else if !DATE1! equ !DATE2! (
           echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is same with  "!FILE2:\\=\!"


if !DATE1! gtr !DATE2! echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is newer than "!FILE2:\\=\!"
if !DATE1! lss !DATE2! echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is older than "!FILE2:\\=\!"
if !DATE1! equ !DATE2! echo "!FILE1:\\=\!" is same with  "!FILE2:\\=\!"


  • if /?