我在appcenter上的管道运行正常。 现在我尝试进行推送,但是失败了:
##[command]git fetch --tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules origin
remote: Invalid username or password
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://***:***@bitbucket.org/company/react-native-proj.git/'
##[error]Git fetch failed with exit code: 128
该如何解决? 我已经检查过并说我必须检查禁用的Web挂钩 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/appcenter/build/troubleshooting/code-repos#im-connected-to-bitbucket-and-my-builds-fail-with-git-error
答案 0 :(得分:1)
对于在 App Center 和您的 Devops 存储库之间遇到相同问题的任何人,只需在 App Center 上重新保存您的构建配置,问题就会自行解决。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
The problem was an internal bug on appcenter. After a couple of days chatting with the customer support, it is resolved. The problem was fixed temporarily by disabling distribution, and just doing build. Then doing the distribution manually...