
时间:2019-03-12 18:44:12

标签: java if-statement

创建“海盗对话”,并选择左手或右手。我希望它对“ left”和“ right”的不同拼写给出肯定的答案(正如您将在代码中看到的那样),但是,当我为不是“ right”或“ left”的所有输入添加最终的“ else”代码时,它给了我一个“ java.lang.Error”,无法访问的代码。在添加最终的“ else”语句之前,我已经测试了我的代码,它可以按我想要的方式工作,再次添加了“ else”语句,它给了我同样的错误。



package myOwn;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class myArms {

static Scanner sc2 = new Scanner(System.in);

public static void main(String[] args) {

public static void armInput() {
    System.out.println("Behold the arms! Which hand holds the secret item?");
    String answer = sc2.nextLine();

public static String armOpener(String answer) {
    if(answer.equals("left")) {
        return "Aha! Indeed the gemstone was hidden in the left hand. Now...";
    }else if(answer.equals("Left")) {
        return "Aha! Indeed the gemstone was hidden in the left hand. Now...";
    }else if(answer.equals("LEFT")) {
        return "Aha! Indeed the gemstone was hidden in the left hand. Now...";
    }else if(answer.equals("right")) {
        return "Bummer! The treasure was in the other hand. Easy for me to say, huh? What if there wasn't a treasure from the start of? Who knows...";
    }else if(answer.equals("Right")) {
        return "Bummer! The treasure was in the other hand. Easy for me to say, huh? What if there wasn't a treasure from the start of? Who knows...";
    }else if(answer.equals("RIGHT")) {
        return "Bummer! The treasure was in the other hand. Easy for me to say, huh? What if there wasn't a treasure from the start of? Who knows...";
    }else {
        return "Did you not hear me boy? I'm asking you, which hand?!";
    return answer;


“返回答案”行;是最后带有红色下划线的那个。如果删除最后一个“ else”语句,红色下划线消失了。

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