在Magento 2中启用DHL市场

时间:2019-03-11 11:37:12

标签: magento2 magento-2.0 magento2.2 dhl

如何在Magento 2管理员中添加DHL Market Place?一直在寻找如何启用它,但找不到任何解决方案。我是否应该将下载文件复制到public static void main(String[] args) { String[] countries = {"Urugay", "Paraguay", "Jamaica", "Peru", "Mexico"}; int[] population = {6770000, 2300000, 500000, 6310000, 7000000}; // suppose user selected these countries String[] userChoise = {"Urugay", "Paraguay", "Jamaica"}; int maxPopulation = findMaxPopulation(countries, population, userChoise); System.out.println(maxPopulation); } public static int findMaxPopulation(String[] con,int[] pop,String[] choice) { // indexes of countries in "Countries array" that submitted by user int[] matchedIndexes = new int[choice.length]; int j=0; // for incrementing Array matchedIndexes int max = 0; // will return the maximum population for(int i =0;i<choice.length;i++){ if(con[i].equals(choice[i])){ matchedIndexes[j] = i; j++; } } // making comparision of population of submitted countries max= pop[matchedIndexes[0]]; for(int i=0;i<matchedIndexes.length -1;i++){ if(max<pop[matchedIndexes[i+1]]) max = pop[matchedIndexes[i+1]]; } return max; } 文件夹中?还是我需要进入管理面板?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


如果您正在PHP 7+中运行,并且想要通过VCS安装,则下面是您需要运行的命令,并且DON'T使用README.md中专门为0.10.0版本提供的安装。它缺少有关如何使用0.10.0版本在Magento 2.3中进行安装的正确说明。以下是在Magento项目中运行和安装DHL所需的正确命令

composer config repositories.dhl-shipping-m2 vcs git@github.com:netresearch/dhl-module-shipping-m2.git <-- This is the important part to make it work

composer require dhl/module-shipping-m2:0.10.0

答案 1 :(得分:-1)



作曲家需要dhl / module-shipping-m2:0.10.0


2:手动安装,下载扩展并将其复制到magento根目录中,即.. app / code / yourextension