我正在尝试做什么 我有一个应用程序,可以告诉我打开某项内容(例如,浏览器)已经有多长时间,并且浏览器在不移动鼠标的情况下打开的剩余时间百分比以百分比表示(我可以将其转换为小数) 。该程序应该告诉我浏览器总共打开了多长时间
m = input("Type 0 for hours, or 1 for minutes")
if m == 1:
y = input("what is the time given?")
z = input("What is the semi-idle time?")
y = int(y)
z = float(z)
x = (y / (1 - z))
if x < 60:
print("The total time is {} minutes".format(x))
x = x/60
print("The total time is {} hours".format(x))
elif m == 0:
y = input("what is the time given?")
z = input("What is the semi-idle time?")
y = int(y)
z = float(z)
x = (y / (1 - z))
print("The total time is {} hours".format(x))
我如何让它运行if / else语句而不结束?