val myblock = mymanipulator {
var x = 1
x = 4
var y = 1
x + y
print( myblock )
var x = (1).+(23);
x = 4;
var y = (1).+(23);
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object mymanipulator {
def apply[T](x: => T): T = macro impl
def impl(c: Context)(x: c.Tree) = { import c.universe._
val q"..$stats" = x
val loggedStats = stats.flatMap { stat =>
stat match {
case ValDef(mods, sym, tpt, rhs) => {
List( q"var $sym : $tpt = $rhs + 23" )
case _ => {
List( stat )
val combined = q"..$loggedStats"
c.info(c.enclosingPosition, "combined: " + showRaw(combined), true)
Information:(21, 31) combined: {
var x = (1).+(23);
x = 4;
var y = (1).+(23);
val myblock = mymanipulator {
Error:scalac: Error while emitting Test.scala
variable y
stat match {
case ValDef(mods, sym, tpt, rhs) => {
List( q"var $sym : $tpt = $rhs" )
case _ => {
List( stat )
stat match {
case ValDef(mods, sym, tpt, rhs) => {
List( stat )
case _ => {
List( stat )
答案 0 :(得分:1)
object mymanipulator {
def apply[T](x: => T): T = macro impl
def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(x: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val q"..$stats" = c.untypecheck(x) // here
val loggedStats = stats.flatMap { stat =>
stat match {
case ValDef(mods, sym, tpt, rhs) /*q"$mods var $sym : $tpt = $rhs"*/ => {
List( q"$mods var $sym : $tpt = $rhs + 23" )
case _ => {
List( stat )
val combined = q"..$loggedStats"
c.info(c.enclosingPosition, "combined: " + showRaw(combined), true)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
取消类型检查源树会删除子树的类型。 这使得无法根据表达式类型进行树操作。 那么如何使用类型检查树并替换宏源代码中的术语定义?
Could not find proxy for val <val-name>
REPL 错误就像
Error while emitting <console>
variable j
对结果树进行简单的取消类型检查或什至进一步的类型检查都无济于事。 我在不同的答案中发现了几个原因:
帮助我的解决方案是重新创建所有引用本地(源代码)定义的 Ident。引用外部符号定义的标识符应保持不变(如“scala”、内部引用的外部类型等),否则编译将失败。
以下示例(可在 REPL 模式下在 IDEA Worksheet 中运行,在 2.12 中尝试)显示了使用 Transformer 重新创建仅引用本地定义的 Ident。新替换的 Ident 现在不会引用旧定义。
它使用的语法树涵盖了实现目标所需的唯一 Scala 语法。这个语法所不知道的一切都变成了保存原始源代码子树的OtherTree。
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
import scala.language.experimental.macros
trait SyntaxTree {
val c: blackbox.Context
import c.universe._
sealed trait Expression
case class SimpleVal(termName: TermName, expression: Expression) extends Expression
case class StatementsBlock(tpe: Type, statements: Seq[Expression], expression: Expression) extends Expression
case class OtherTree(tpe: Type, tree: Tree) extends Expression
object Expression {
implicit val expressionUnliftable: Unliftable[Expression] = Unliftable[Expression] (({
case q"val ${termName: TermName} = ${expression: Expression}" =>
SimpleVal(termName, expression)
case tree@Block(_, _) => // matching on block quosiquotes directly produces StackOverflow in this Syntax: on the single OtherTree node
val q"{ ..${statements: Seq[Expression]}; ${expression: Expression} }" = tree
StatementsBlock(tree.tpe, statements, expression)
case otherTree =>
OtherTree(otherTree.tpe, otherTree)
}: PartialFunction[Tree, Expression]).andThen(e => {println("Unlifted", e); e}))
implicit val expressionLiftable: Liftable[Expression] = Liftable[Expression] {
case SimpleVal(termName, expression) =>
q"val $termName = $expression + 23"
case StatementsBlock(_, statements, expression) =>
q"{ ..${statements: Seq[Expression]}; ${expression: Expression} }"
case OtherTree(_, otherTree) =>
c.untypecheck(otherTree) // untypecheck here or before final emitting of the resulting Tree: fun, but in my complex syntax tree this dilemma has 0,01% tests impact (in both cases different complex tests fails in ToolBox)
class ValMacro(val c: blackbox.Context) extends SyntaxTree {
import c.universe._
def valMacroImpl(doTransform: c.Expr[Boolean], doInitialUntypecheck: c.Expr[Boolean])(inputCode: c.Expr[Any]): c.Tree = {
val shouldDoTransform = doTransform.tree.toString == "true"
val shouldUntypecheckInput = doInitialUntypecheck.tree.toString == "true"
val inputTree = if (shouldUntypecheckInput)
c.untypecheck(inputCode.tree) // initial untypecheck helps but we loose parsed expression types for analyses
val outputTree: Tree = inputTree match {
case q"${inputExpression: Expression}" =>
val liftedTree = q"$inputExpression"
if (shouldDoTransform) {
val transformer = new LocalIdentsTransformer(inputTree)
} else
case _ =>
q"{ ${"unexpected input tree"} }"
println(s"Output tree: $outputTree")
/*c.typecheck(c.untypecheck(*/outputTree/*))*/ // nothing commented helps without transforming (recreating) Idents
class LocalIdentsTransformer(initialTree: Tree) extends Transformer {
// transform is mandatory in any case to relink (here: reset) Ident's owners when working with typechecked trees
private val localDefSymbols: Set[Symbol] = initialTree.collect {
case t if t != null && t.isDef && t.symbol.isTerm =>
println("localDefSymbols", localDefSymbols)
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case tree@Ident(termName: TermName) if localDefSymbols.contains(tree.symbol) =>
println("replacing local Ident", termName, tree.symbol)
case _ =>
def valMacro(doTransform: Boolean, doInitialUntypecheck: Boolean)(inputCode: Any): Any = macro ValMacro.valMacroImpl
val outerVal = 5
// 1) works with pre untypechecking, but we loose types info
valMacro(false, true) {
val i = 1
i + outerVal
// 2) works with Transformer
valMacro(true, false) {
val i = 1
i + outerVal
// 3) does not work
valMacro(false, false) {
val i = 1
i + outerVal
// 4) cases when we reuse old tree without changes: fails
valMacro(false, false) {
var j = 1
// 5) cases when we reuse old tree without changes: works
valMacro(true, false) {
var j = 1
// 1) works with pre untypechecking, but we loose types info
Output tree: {
val i = 1.$plus(23);
res0: Any = 29
// 2) works with Transformer
(localDefSymbols,Set(value i))
(replacing local Ident,i,value i)
Output tree: {
val i = 1.$plus(23);
res1: Any = 29
// 3) does not work
Output tree: {
val i = 1.$plus(23);
Error while emitting <console>
value i
// 4) case when we reuse old tree without changes: fails
(Unlifted,OtherTree(<notype>,var j: Int = 1))
(Unlifted,StatementsBlock(Int,List(OtherTree(<notype>,var j: Int = 1)),OtherTree(Int,j)))
Output tree: {
var j = 1;
Error while emitting <console>
variable j
// 5) case when we reuse old tree without changes: works with Transformer
(Unlifted,OtherTree(<notype>,var j: Int = 1))
(Unlifted,StatementsBlock(Int,List(OtherTree(<notype>,var j: Int = 1)),OtherTree(Int,j)))
(localDefSymbols,Set(variable j))
(replacing local Ident,j,variable j)
Output tree: {
var j = 1;
如果跳过 OtherTree 的 untypchecking(在提升它时)或不对结果树进行 untypchecking,那么我们将在 2) 示例宏调用中得到错误:
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed:
transformCaseApply: name = i tree = i / class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$Ident
while compiling: <console>
during phase: refchecks
library version: version 2.12.12
compiler version: version 2.12.12
实际上,这个示例展示了使用类型检查输入树的 2 种不同方法: