
时间:2019-03-06 10:20:36

标签: excel vba


 |      Assignee       |     Distribution Percentage    |
 |          Person1    |         25                     |
 |          Person2    |         30                     |
 |          Person2    |         45                     |

在另一个名为“ New”的工作表中,我有一个任务列表,需要根据其定义的百分比分配给该人员。有时,在这种情况下,已经有一个指定的人员可以跳过分配给该任务的工作。


|      Assignee       |           Tasks                |
|          Person1    |         Task 1                 |
|          Person1    |         Task 2                 |
|          Person1    |         Task 3                 |
|          Person1    |         Task 4                 |
|          Person2    |         Task 5                 |
|          Person2    |         Task 6                 |
|          Person2    |         Task 7                 |
|          Person2    |         Task 8                 |
|          Person3    |         Task 9                 |
|          Person3    |         Task 10                |
|          Person3    |         Task 11                |
|          Person3    |         Task 12                |
|          Person3    |         Task 13                |
|          Person3    |         Task 14                |
|          Person3    |         Task 15                |









Sub AssignPercentage()

Dim PersonFirstRow As Integer
Dim PersonLastRow As Long
Dim PersonRow As Long

Set mainSheet = Sheets("Main")
Set TodaySheet = Sheets("New")

Dim LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long

Dim StartCell As Range, rng As Range
Dim x As Long
Dim cl As Range

Dim Percentage As Long, i As Long
Dim PersonPercent As Long
Set StartCell = TodaySheet.Range("B2")

PersonFirstRow = 10 'row of F12

PersonLastRow = mainSheet.Cells(mainSheet.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row

LastRow = TodaySheet.Cells(TodaySheet.Rows.Count, StartCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
LastColumn = TodaySheet.Cells(StartCell.Row, TodaySheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

Set rng = TodaySheet.Range(StartCell, TodaySheet.Cells(LastRow, 2))

For x = PersonFirstRow To PersonLastRow

PersonPercent = mainSheet.Cells(x, "F").Value

Percentage = Round(rng.Rows.Count * PersonPercent / 100, 0)

    For Each cl In rng

        i = i + 1
        If i > Percentage Then
        i = 0
        Exit For

        End If

        If Trim(cl.Offset(0, -1).Value) = "" Then

            cl.Offset(0, -1).Value = mainSheet.Cells(x, "E").Value

        End If

    Next cl

Next x

End Sub


|      Assignee       |           Tasks                |
|          Person1    |         Task 1                 |
|          Person1    |         Task 2                 |
|          Person1    |         Task 3                 |
|          Person1    |         Task 4                 |
|          Person3    |         Task 5                 |
|          Person3    |         Task 6                 |
|          Person3    |         Task 7                 |
|                     |         Task 8                 |
|                     |         Task 9                 |
|                     |         Task 10                |
|                     |         Task 11                |
|                     |         Task 12                |
|                     |         Task 13                |
|                     |         Task 14                |
|                     |         Task 15                |

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Dim PersonFirstRow As Integer
Dim PersonLastRow As Long
Dim PersonRow As Long

Set mainsheet = Sheets("Main")
Set todaysheet = Sheets("New")

Dim LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long

Dim StartCell As Range, rng As Range

Dim Percentage As Long, i As Long
Dim PersonPercent As Long
Dim TaskRow, AssignedTasks As Long
Set StartCell = todaysheet.Range("B2")

PersonFirstRow = 10 'row of F12

PersonLastRow = mainsheet.Cells(mainsheet.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row

LastRow = todaysheet.Cells(todaysheet.Rows.Count, StartCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
LastColumn = todaysheet.Cells(StartCell.Row, todaysheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

Set rng = todaysheet.Range(StartCell, todaysheet.Cells(LastRow, 2))

For TaskRow = 2 To LastRow

    For PersonRow = 10 To PersonLastRow
        PersonPercent = mainsheet.Cells(PersonRow, "F").Value
        Percentage = Round(rng.Rows.Count * PersonPercent / 100, 0)
        AssignedTasks = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng.Offset(0, -1), mainsheet.Cells(PersonRow, 5).Value)

        If AssignedTasks + 1 <= Percentage Then
            If Trim(todaysheet.Cells(TaskRow, 1).Value) = "" Then
                todaysheet.Cells(TaskRow, 1).Value = mainsheet.Cells(PersonRow, "E").Value
            End If
        End If

    Next PersonRow

Next TaskRow

End Sub