
时间:2019-03-05 16:06:22

标签: swift generics generic-programming



import Foundation

protocol HasFirstDependency {
    var first: Any? { get }

protocol HasSecondDependency {
    var second: Any? { get }

typealias AllDependencies = HasFirstDependency & HasSecondDependency

struct AppDependencies: AllDependencies {
    var first: Any?
    var second: Any?

class Coordinator<D> {
    var dependencies: D?

extension Coordinator {

    static func initialize() -> Coordinator<D> {
        return Coordinator<D>()


class ParentCoordinator: Coordinator<AllDependencies> {
    var children: [Any] = []

class FirstChildCoordinator: Coordinator<HasFirstDependency> {}

class SecondChildCoordinator: Coordinator<HasSecondDependency> {}



extension ParentCoordinator {

    func add<C: Coordinator<D>, D>(childType: C.Type) { // 2. ... by setting a constraint like this: "where self.dependecies is D?"
        let child = C.initialize()
        if let dependencies: D? = self.dependencies as? D? { // 1. is there any way to avoid this casting ...
            child.dependencies = dependencies
        } else {
            assertionFailure("parentCoordinator does not hold child dependencies")


let parent = ParentCoordinator()
parent.dependencies = AppDependencies(first: "bla", second: "blup")
parent.add(childType: FirstChildCoordinator.self)
let child = parent.children.first as? Coordinator<HasFirstDependency>
print(type(of: parent.dependencies)) // Optional<HasFirstDependency & HasSecondDependency>
print(parent.dependencies?.first) // Optional("bla")
print(parent.dependencies?.second) // Optional("blup")
print(type(of: child?.dependencies)) // Optional<HasFirstDependency>
print(child?.dependencies?.first) // Optional("bla")
//print(child?.dependencies?.second) // does not compile, what I wanted to achieve



protocol ForgottenDependency {
    var forgotten: Any? { get }

class ThirdChildCoordinator: Coordinator<ForgottenDependency> {}

parent.add(childType: ThirdChildCoordinator.self) // Fatal error: parentCoordinator does not hold child dependencies: file MyPlayground.playground, line 49

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


... where D == HasFirstDependency || HasSecondDependency

不能快速分离类型约束。引用commonly rejected changes


类型约束中的析取(逻辑或):这些类型包括匿名的类联合类型(例如,可以由整数或字符串占用的类型的(整数|字符串)。 “ [这种约束是]类型系统不能也不应该支持的东西。”

一种可能的解决方案是使依赖项符合通用协议。老实说,这并不能完全解决检测“忘记的”依赖项的问题,因为所有依赖项都必须实现此通用协议。 here中讨论了这种方法。