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<h2 style="margin-top:400px;">
hi {fusername}
<p style="font-size:16px; margin-bottom:80px;">Click the button below to confirm your e-mail adress.If you did not create an account with <a href="7d502708.eu.ngrok.io/Home/Index">FlowNetMaster®</a>, you can safely delete this e-mail.</p>
<a href="{femod}" target="_blank" style="padding: 16px 36px; width:100px;height:25px; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; background-color:blue; font-size: 16px; color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 6px; margin-left:300px;margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:100px; align-self:center;">Confirm E-mail</a>
<p style="margin-top:75px; margin-bottom:0;">If that does not work, please copy and paste the following link in your browser:</p>
<br />
<p style="margin-top:0; font-size:10px;"><a href="{femod}" target="_blank">{femod}</a></p>
<p style="margin: 0;">Cheers,<br>Oxford Engineering & Software Team </p>
在Apple和Android邮件应用程序上可视化确认电子邮件没有问题,但是在safari和chrome浏览器上的gmail上查看邮件时,我看不到背景图片。希望您能给我一些想法为什么背景图片未显示在电子邮件中。 非常感谢您的辛苦,谢谢您的帮助。
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