
时间:2019-02-27 17:18:40

标签: c# .net

我有一个Interface,它定义了一组全部实现.ToString成员的类。 如何使原生数据类型String也实现此Interface



Public Interface IString
    Function ToString() As String
End Interface

Partial Public Class String
    Implements IString

    Public Shadows Function ToString() As String Implements IString.ToString
        Return MyBase.ToString()
    End Function

End Class



Sub DoSomething(MyData as IString)
    '... Do something using MyData.ToString, for example send it to a WebAPI
End Sub

Public Class SomeData
    Implements IString 'Sub DoSomething should accept this type
    Public Sub ToString() as String
        Return 'Something
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class SomeOtherData
    'Sub DoSomething should NOT accept this type
    Public Sub ToString() as String
        Return 'Something
    End Sub
End Class


Sub DoSomething(MyData as Object)
    If not TypeOf MyData Is String or not TypeOf MyData Is SomeData Then Throw New ArgumentException()
End Sub


Sub DoSomething(MyData as String)
End Sub

Sub DoSomething(MyData as SomeData)
    call DoSomething(MyData.ToString)
End Sub

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 代替创建用于不同类型字符串的不同类,只需创建一个具有两个字段的单个类(例如SpecialString)-一个字符串和一个枚举值来描述其包含的字符串类型(例如Normal,Base64等)。然后,您可以将该类传递给需要能够接受两种类型的字符串但仍能够确定其为哪种类型的函数。您甚至可以编写从字符串到SpecialString的隐式转换(即Widening Operator CType),这样您甚至无需为普通字符串显式创建SpecialString。

  2. 如果要将不同类型的字符串保留为单独的类,则可以创建实现ToString的基类(例如AnyString)。然后将Base64String创建为从AnyString派生的类。您可以编写从System.StringAnyString的隐式转换运算符。如果要同时接受AnyStringString,则编写函数以接受Base64String。或者,如果您想禁止普通的Base64String,则可以只接受String


Module Module1
    Enum StringType
    End Enum

    Class SpecialString
        Private type As StringType
        Private str As String

        Public Sub New(s As String, Optional type As StringType = StringType.Normal)
            Me.str = s
            Me.type = type
        End Sub

        Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal s As String) As SpecialString
            Return New SpecialString(s, StringType.Normal)
        End Operator

        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
            Return str
        End Function

        Public Function GetStringType() As StringType
            Return type
        End Function
    End Class

    'Function that uses SpecialString
    Sub Test(ss As SpecialString)
        ' Print StringType and inner value of string
        Console.WriteLine( ss.GetStringType().ToString("F") & ": " & ss.ToString())
    End Sub

    Sub Main()
        Dim ss1 As new SpecialString("abcdef", StringType.Base64)
        Dim ss2 As new SpecialString("abcdef:abcdef", StringType.Base64DotBase64)

        Test("Hello") 'Call with string
        Test(ss1) 'Call with Base64
        Test(ss2) 'Call with Base64DotBase64

        ' Pause to see the screen
    End Sub

End Module


Normal: Hello 
Base64: abcdef 
Base64DotBase64: abcdef:abcdef


Imports System.Text.Encoding

Module Module1
    'Abstract base class to represent all string types (Normal and Base64 etc)
    MustInherit Class AnyString
        Private str As String
        Public Sub New(s As String)
            Me.str = s
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
            Return str
        End Function
        ' Allow implicit conversion of a System.String to NormalString, which inherits from AnyString
        Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal s As String) As AnyString
            Return New NormalString(s)
        End Operator
    End Class

    'Class for Base64 strings only.
    Class Base64String
        Inherits AnyString
        Public Sub New(s As String)
        End Sub
    End Class
    'Class for Normal strings. System.String implicitly converts to this.
    Class NormalString
        Inherits AnyString
        Public Sub New(s As String)
        End Sub
        ' Allow implicit conversion of a System.String to NormalString
        ' This CType Operator isn't strictly necessary for this example, 
        ' because the CType in AnyString does the implict conversion shown below, 
        ' but it might be useful in general.
        Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal s As String) As NormalString
            Return New NormalString(s)
        End Operator
    End Class

    'Function that Accepts Base64String OR Normal String
    Sub TestAny(s As AnyString)
        'Call ToString for whatever type of string was passed.
        Console.WriteLine(s.GetType().Name.ToString()  & ": " & s.ToString())

        'Also do something special for base64 string
        If TypeOf s Is Base64String then
            Console.WriteLine("Base64 Decoded (in TestAny): " & DecodeBase64(DirectCast(s,Base64String)))
        End If
    End Sub
    ' Function to convert Base64-encoded string to normal text. 
    ' This ONLY takes Base64Strings (not NormalStrings)
    Function DecodeBase64(s64 As Base64String) As String
        Return UTF8.GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64String(s64.ToString()))
    End Function

    Sub Main()
        'Normal String
        Dim s As new System.String("I am Normal")
        ' Base64String
        Dim s64 As New Base64String("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh")

        'Call TestAny with any type of string
        TestAny("Hi") 'Call with string directly
        TestAny(s)    'Call with String object
        TestAny(s64)  'Call with Base64DotBase64

        'Call DecodeBase64 with a Base64String ONLY
        Console.Write("Base64-Decoded (in Main): ")
        Console.WriteLine(DecodeBase64(s64))   'OK call with Base64String
        'Console.WriteLine(DecodeBase64("Hi"))  !!! Invalid -- cannot call DecodeBase64 with string
        'Console.WriteLine(DecodeBase64(s))     !!! Invalid -- cannot call DecodeBase64 with string

        ' Pause to see the screen
    End Sub

End Module


NormalString: Hi
NormalString: I am Normal
Base64String: SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh
Base64 Decoded (in TestAny): Hello World!
Base64-Decoded (in Main): Hello World!

答案 1 :(得分:2)



Sub DoSomething(MyData as String)
    '... Do something using MyData string, for example send it to a WebAPI
End Sub

Sub DoSomething(MyData as IString)
End Sub


答案 2 :(得分:0)





public static class ListHelper
    public static string ToMyString<T>(this IList<String> list)
        return string.Join(", ", list.ToArray());

    public static string ToMyString<T>(this String[] array)
        return string.Join(", ", array);

