
时间:2019-02-26 23:57:20

标签: templates function-pointers template-meta-programming functor




template <typename T,
          typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<T>::value, int>::type = 0,
          typename... Args>
SmartPtr<T> makePtr(Args&&... args)
    // Process args...
    T* temp = new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    return SmartPtr<T>(temp);

// This is what I'm not sure how to do
template <typename F, typename... Args, /* An arbitrary function signature or something*/>
SmartPtr</*return type of F*/> makePtr(Args&&... args)
    // Process args...
    /*return type of F*/ temp = F(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    return SmartPtr</*return type of F*/>(temp);


class MyClass {
        MyClass(int value) : m_value(value) {}
        static MyClass* factory(int value)
            return new MyClass(value);
        MyClass* clone(MyClass* other)
            return MyClass::factory(other.m_value);
        int m_value;

MyClass* otherFactory(int value)
    return new MyClass(value);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    MyClass temp(-1);
    MyClass* temp2 = new MyClass(0);
    auto ptr = makePtr<MyClass>(1);
    auto ptr2 = makePtr<MyClass::factory>(2);
    auto ptr3 = makePtr<otherFactory>(3);
    auto ptr4 = makePtr<temp.clone>(4); // What would the proper syntax be for this one?
    auto ptr5 = makePtr<temp2->clone>(5); // What would the proper syntax be for this one?


// This is what I would like to avoid
template <typename F,
          typename std::enable_if<!std::is_class<T>::value, int>::type = 0,
          typename... Args>
SmartPtr<typename std::remove_pointer<typename std::result_of<F(Args...)>::type>::type>
makePtr(F f, Args&&... args) {
    using R = typename std::remove_pointer<typename std::result_of<F(Args...)>::type>::type;
    // Process arguments...
    R* temp = f(args...);
    return SmartPtr<R>(temp);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    MyClass temp(-1);
    MyClass* temp2 = new MyClass(0);
    auto ptr = makePtr<MyClass>(1);
    auto ptr2 = makePtr(MyClass::factory, 2);
    auto ptr3 = makePtr(otherFactory, 3);
    auto ptr4 = makePtr(temp.clone, 4); // What would the proper syntax be here?
    auto ptr5 = makePtr(temp2->clone, 5); // What would the proper syntax be here?

我正在使用c ++ 11。

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