我试图在下面的代码中为我的sh2函数中定义的方程式绘制相态曲线。我知道期望的相位图应该是[[期望的相位图] [1]] [1] [1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/y1T9Y.png。
但是,这是我的结果:[[结果] [1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/EuSOm.png。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from math import *
g = 9.81
l = 1.6
l_big = 2.0
l_small = 1.6
m = 0.01
alpha = l_big-l_small
k = 10*(10**40)
def sh2(r1,t):
theta1,omega1 = r1
sh2_theta1 = omega1
sh2_omega1 = -g*(l + ((1/2)*alpha*(1-np.tanh(theta1*omega1*k))))*sin(theta1)
return np.array([sh2_theta1, sh2_omega1],float)
init_state = np.radians([30.0,0])
dt = 1/10.0
time = np.arange(0,10.0,dt)
timexo = np.arange(0,10.0,dt)
state2 = integrate.odeint(sh2,init_state,time)
state2_plot = np.transpose(state2[0:2500])
plt.plot(timexo[0:2500],state2_plot[1], '--m', label = r'$\theta = \frac{\pi}{6}$')
plt.xlabel('Time t (s) ')
plt.ylabel('Angular Velocity' ' ' r'$\dot{\theta}$')
#code for phase plot
# initial values
x_0 = 0.0 # intial angular position
v_0 = 1.0 # initial angular momentum
t_0 = 0 # initial time
# initial y-vector from initial position and momentum
y0 = np.array([x_0,v_0])
# max value of time and points in time to integrate to
t_max = 10
N_spacing_in_t = 10000
# create vector of time points you want to evaluate
t = np.linspace(t_0,t_max,N_spacing_in_t)
# create vector of positions for those times
y_result = integrate.odeint(sh2, init_state, t)
# get angle and angular momentum
angle = y_result[:,0]
angular_velocity = y_result[:,1]
# plot result
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(angle, angular_velocity,'--k',lw=1)
plt.xlabel('Angle' ' ' r'$\theta$')
plt.ylabel(r'Angular Velocity' r' $\dot{\theta}$')