我尝试了Remove a line of text and the next 0 to 5 lines with powershell 2,但是删除了脚本中的所有内容。
我正在构建一个PowerShell脚本来解析LMtools输出。 我有一条线可以清除所有未使用的东西
$body = (($body -split "`n") |
Where-Object {$_ -notmatch 'Total of 0 licenses in use'}) -join "`n"
Users of Package: Autodesk AutoCAD: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 1 license in use) "Package: Autodesk AutoCAD" v1.000, vendor: adskflex, expiry: permanent(no expiration date) UserH ybw-w7-15021 ybw-w7-15021 (v1.000) (licenseserver/27000 490), start Mon 2/25 10:38 Users of Package: AutoCAD - including specialized toolsets: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 1 license in use) "Package: AutoCAD - including specialized toolsets" v1.000, vendor: adskflex, expiry: 15-feb-2020 UserA DC18007-W10 DC18007-W10 (v1.000) (licenseserver/27000 114), start Mon 2/25 10:50 Users of Autodesk AutoCAD 2017: (Total of 4 licenses issued; Total of 1 license in use) "Autodesk AutoCAD 2017" v1.000, vendor: adskflex, expiry: 15-feb-2020 UserA DC18007-W10 DC18007-W10 (v1.0) (licenseserver/27000 214), start Mon 2/25 10:50 Users of Autodesk AutoCAD 2015: (Total of 4 licenses issued; Total of 1 license in use) "Autodesk AutoCAD 2015" v1.000, vendor: adskflex, expiry: permanent(no expiration date) UserH DCw7-15021 DCw7-15021 (v1.0) (licenseserver/27000 390), start Mon 2/25 10:38
Users of Autodesk AutoCAD 2017: (Total of 4 licenses issued; Total of 1 license in use) "Autodesk AutoCAD 2017" v1.000, vendor: adskflex, expiry: 15-feb-2020 UserA DC18007-W10 DC18007-W10 (v1.0) (licenseserver/27000 214), start Mon 2/25 10:50 Users of Autodesk AutoCAD 2015: (Total of 4 licenses issued; Total of 1 license in use) "Autodesk AutoCAD 2015" v1.000, vendor: adskflex, expiry: permanent(no expiration date) UserH DCw7-15021 DCw7-15021 (v1.0) (licenseserver/27000 390), start Mon 2/25 10:38
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$pattern = '^Users of (?!Package:)'
Get-Content 'input.txt' | Select-String $pattern -Context 0,2 | ForEach-Object {
} | Set-Content 'output.txt'
)的开头与字符串“ Users of”匹配,但后跟字符串“ Package:”。
使用-Context 0,2