
时间:2019-02-22 01:09:48

标签: excel vba

对于给定的A2:Q26范围,我需要一个宏来按字母顺序组织此内容。另外,我还重命名了A列中的所有单元格。例如-(A2 = Rep_1,A3 = Rep_2,等等)。


由于我在A列中还有其他与单元格名称关联的宏,每个宏都通过“ selectionchange”设置为按钮。由于在选择所需的单元格时该名称未传输,因此发生错误的相应操作,因为排序期间未传输该单元格名称。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 在常量部分调整源工作表名称cSheet (而不是Sheet1)。
  • 程序原样将仅影响单元格A2:A26中的名称,但是 将按列A2:Q26A)对范围1进行排序。
  • 这是一种单向操作,没有撤消操作,因此创建备份
  • 简而言之,程序会将A1:A26的值复制到第1个 列(源阵列)中,然后从A1:A26中写入名称 到数组的第二列并删除它们,然后 A1:Q26按列A的行将A1:A26 sorted 值复制到另一个数组 (目标数组),并使用两个数组中的数据在 要求的方式。
  • 运行代码后,在立即窗口中研究结果以 看看你做了什么。
  • PreserveNames下面的3个程序只是您可能会使用的一些工具 像我一样发现有用。不需要运行PreserveNames


Sub PreserveNames()

    Const cSheet As String = "Sheet1"    ' Source Worksheet Name
    Const cRange As String = "A2:Q26"    ' Sort Range Address
    Const cSort As Long = 1              ' Sort Column Number

    Dim rngSort As Range  ' Sort RAnge
    Dim rngST As Range    ' Source/Target Range
    Dim vntS As Variant   ' Source Array
    Dim vntT As Variant   ' Target Array
    Dim i As Long         ' Source Array Row Counter
    Dim k As Long         ' Target Array Row Counter
    Dim strP As String    ' RefersTo Sheet Pattern
    Dim strR As String    ' RefersTo String

    ' Source/Target Range '

    ' Create a reference to Sort Range.
    Set rngSort = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cSheet).Range(cRange)

    ' Calculate Source/Target Range ("cSort"-th column (range) of Sort Range).
    Set rngST = rngSort.Columns(cSort)

    ' RefersTo Sheet Pattern '

    ' Check if Worksheet Name does NOT contain a space character.
    If InStr(1, cSheet, " ") = 0 Then ' Does NOT contain a space.
        strP = "=" & cSheet & "!"
      Else                            ' DOES contain a space.
        strP = "='" & cSheet & "'!"
    End If

    ' Source Array '

    ' Copy values of Source/Target Range to Source Array.
    vntS = rngST

    ' Resize Source Array i.e. add one more column for Name.
    ReDim Preserve vntS(1 To UBound(vntS), 1 To 2)

    ' Loop through rows of Source Array (cells of Source/Target Range).
    For i = 1 To UBound(vntS) ' or "For i = 1 To rngST.Rows.Count"
        With rngST.Cells(i)
            ' Suppress error that would occur if current cell
            ' of Source/Target Range does NOT contain a Name.
            On Error Resume Next
            ' Write Name of current cell of Source/Target Range
            ' to 2nd column of Source Array.
            vntS(i, 2) = .Name.Name
            ' Suppress error continuation.
            If Err Then
                On Error GoTo 0
                ' Delete Name in current cell of Source/Target Range.
            End If
        End With

    ' Display contents of Source Array to Immediate window.
    Debug.Print String(20, "*") & vbCr & "Source Array" & vbCr & String(20, "*")
    For i = 1 To UBound(vntS)
        Debug.Print vntS(i, 1) & " | " & vntS(i, 2)

    ' Sort '

    ' Sort Sort Range by Sort Column.
    rngSort.Sort rngSort.Cells(cSort)

    ' Target Array '

    ' Copy values of Source/Target Range to Target Array.
    vntT = rngST

    ' Loop through rows of Target Array (cells of Source/Target Range).
    For k = 1 To UBound(vntT)
        ' Loop through rows of Source Array (cells of Source/Target Range).
        For i = 1 To UBound(vntS)
            ' Check if current value of Target Array is equal to current value
            ' of Source Array, where current value means value at current
            ' row in 1st column of either array.
            If vntT(k, 1) = vntS(i, 1) Then
                ' Suppress error that would occur if value at current row
                ' in 2nd column of Source Array (Name) is equal to "".
                If vntS(i, 2) <> "" Then
                    ' Concatenate RefersTo Sheet Pattern (strP) and the address
                    ' of current cell range in row k, to RefersTo String (strR).
                    strR = strP & rngST.Cells(k).Address
                    ' Write value at current row in 2nd column of Source
                    ' Array to the Name property, and RefersTo String to the
                    ' RefersTo property of a newly created name.
                    ThisWorkbook.Names.Add vntS(i, 2), strR
                End If
                ' Since the values in Source Array are (supposed to be) unique,
                ' stop looping through Source Array and go to next row
                ' of Target Array.
                Exit For
            End If

    ' Display contents of Target Array to Immediate window.
    Debug.Print String(20, "*") & vbCr & "Target Array" & vbCr & String(20, "*")
    For i = 1 To UBound(vntS)
        Debug.Print vntT(i, 1)

    ' Display Value, Name and RefersTo of each cell in Source/Target Range.
    Debug.Print String(60, "*") & vbCr & "Current Data" & vbCr & String(60, "*")
    For i = 1 To rngST.Rows.Count
        With rngST.Cells(i)
            On Error Resume Next
            Debug.Print "Value: '" & rngST.Cells(i) & "' | Name: " _
                    & .Name.Name & "' | RefersTo: '" & .Name.RefersTo & "'"
            On Error GoTo 0
        End With

End Sub


Sub AddNamesToCellRange()

    Const cSheet As String = "Sheet1"   ' Source Worksheet Name
    Const cRange As String = "A2:A26"   ' Source Range Address
    Const cName As String = "Rep_"      ' Name Pattern

    Dim i As Long

    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cSheet).Range(cRange)
        ' Check if Worksheet Name does NOT contain a space character.
        If InStr(1, cSheet, " ") = 0 Then ' Does NOT contain a space.
            ' Loop through rows of Source Worksheet.
            For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
                ' Add name to current cell range.
                .Parent.Parent.Names.Add cName & i, "=" & cSheet & "!" _
                        & .Cells(i).Address
          Else                            ' DOES contain a space.
            ' Loop through rows of Source Worksheet.
            For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
                ' Add name to current cell range.
                .Parent.Parent.Names.Add cName & i, "='" & cSheet & "'!" _
                        & .Cells(i).Address
        End If
    End With

End Sub


Sub DeleteNamesInWorkbook()

    Dim nm As Name
    Dim str1 As String

    With ThisWorkbook
        For Each nm In .Names
            str1 = "Name '" & nm.Name & "' deleted."
            Debug.Print str1
    End With

End Sub


Sub ListNamesInWorkbook()

    Dim nm As Name

    With ThisWorkbook
        For Each nm In .Names
            Debug.Print "Name: '" & nm.Name & "', RefersTo: '" _
                    & nm.RefersTo & "'."
    End With

End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Dim temp1 As String, temp2 As String, tempValue As String

With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet 'Change the ActiveSheet to the sheet you're working on
    'Swapping the values
    tempValue = .Range("A1").Value2
    .Range("A1").Value2 = .Range("A2").Value2
    .Range("A2").Value2 = tempValue

    'Swapping the names
    temp1 = .Range("A1").Name.Name
    temp2 = .Range("A2").Name.Name 'This Line and the next one are necessary unlike swapping the values because you can't have 2 different ranges with the same name
    .Range("A1").Name.Name = "temp"
    .Range("A2").Name.Name = temp1
    .Range("A1").Name.Name = temp2
End With