Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strtext = InputBox("Write down your message you like to spam")
strtimes = InputBox("How many times do you like to spam?")
strspeed = InputBox("How fast do you like to spam? (1000 = one per sec, 100 = 10 per sec etc)")
strtimeneed = InputBox("How many SECONDS do you need to get to your victems input box?")
If Not IsNumeric(strtimes & strspeed & strtimeneed) Then
MsgBox "You entered something else then a number on Times, Speed and/or Time need. shutting down"
End If
strtimeneed2 = strtimeneed * 1000
MsgBox "You have " & strtimeneed & " seconds to get to your input area where you are going to spam."
WScript.Sleep strtimeneed2
shell.SendKeys ("Spambot activated" & "{enter}")
For i=0 To strtimes
shell.SendKeys (strtext & "{enter}")
WScript.Sleep strspeed
shell.SendKeys ("Spambot deactivated" & "{enter}")
WScript.Sleep strspeed * strtimes / 10
returnvalue = MsgBox("Want to spam again with the same info?", 36)
If returnvalue = 6 Then
MsgBox "Ok Spambot will activate again"
End If
If returnvalue = 7 Then
MsgBox "Spambox is shutting down"
End If