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Sub test()
Dim Pg As Paragraph, Pos As Long, Rng As Range
For Each Pg In Selection.Paragraphs
If Not Pg.Range.ListFormat.List Is Nothing Then 'Process only bulleted list
PgTxt = Pg.Range.Text
'Debug.Print PgTxt
Pos = InStr(1, PgTxt, "http")
If Pos <> 1 Then 'bypass if http found at start of List item then no Case Change
If Pos > 1 Then Pos = Pos - 1 'http found some where within the List item
If Pos = 0 Then Pos = Len(PgTxt) ' if http not found in the list Item
Set Rng = ActiveDocument.Range(Pg.Range.Start, Pg.Range.Start + Pos)
Rng.Case = wdTitleWord
End If
End If
End Sub