Google Drive API上传命令ResponseBody始终为空C#

时间:2019-02-18 21:31:45

标签: c# raspberry-pi google-drive-api

我正在使用由Raspberry Pi驱动的系统。作为此过程的一部分,我正尝试从Pi将文本文件上传到我的Google驱动器。作为第一个测试,我有一个UWP应用程序来创建一个温度和湿度数据的文本文件,然后尝试将其上传。



public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    static string[] Scopes = { DriveService.Scope.Drive };
    static string AppName = "Drive API .NET Quickstart";
    static string fileName = "Environmental_Data";
    static string fileExtension = ".txt";
    private const int DHTPIN = 4;
    private IDht dht = null;
    private GpioPin dhtPin = null;
    private DispatcherTimer sensorTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
    private int counterWrite = 0;
    private int counterStore = 0;
    //the number on the end of the filename that will be incremented each time a file is produced.
    //TODO remove old files and reset counter periodically
    private int fileId = 1;
    //read values every this many seconds
    private int readInterval = 1;
    //write a new line to the file every this many readings
    private int writeCollectionSize = 2;
    //send file to cloud every this many lines
    private int storeCollectionSize = 4;

    private StorageFolder Folder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
    public List<Environment> Readings;
    public StorageFile File1;

    public MainPage()

    private async void InitializeLocalFiles(int fileId)
            //make a new target file to save our data to
            var newFile = $"{fileName}_{fileId.ToString()}{fileExtension}";
            File1 = await Folder.CreateFileAsync(newFile, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
            File1 = await Folder.GetFileAsync(newFile);
            //let a human know where the first file is
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.WriteLine("error incountered in InitializeLocalFiles: {0}", ex.Message);
    private void InitializePi()
            //set up the pins etc
            dhtPin = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(DHTPIN, GpioSharingMode.Exclusive);
            dht = new Dht11(dhtPin, GpioPinDriveMode.Input);

            //This is what the environment class looks like: public class Environment 
            //{ public decimal Temperature; public decimal Humidity; public DateTime DateTime; }
            Readings = new List<Environment>();
            sensorTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(readInterval);

            //add the tick to the clock and set it going
            sensorTimer.Tick += sensorTimer_Tick;

            //initialise the app
            temperatureMeter.Value = "OFF";
            humidityMeter.Value = "OFF";
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.WriteLine("error incountered in InitialisePi: {0}", ex.Message);

    private void sensorTimer_Tick(object sender, object e)
            //every tick of the clock, we will read the sensor to get new values

            //if we got to the end of the write collection, then it is time to aggregate the figures and write a line to the local file
            if (counterWrite == writeCollectionSize)
                counterWrite = 0;
                //clear the list of readings ready for the next tick
            //if we got to the end of the store collection, it's time to send the local file on a trip around the world
            if (counterStore == storeCollectionSize)
                counterStore = 0;
                //rather than deleting the file, we will make a new one for the next go-round
                fileId += 1;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.WriteLine("error incountered in sensorTimer_Tick: {0}", ex.Message);
    private async void StoreValues(StorageFile file)
            UserCredential credential;

            string cred = @"{""installed"":{""client_id"":""* **REDACTED FOR FORUM QUESTION ***"",""redirect_uris"":[""urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"",""http://localhost""]}}";
            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cred);

            //I'm using credentials stored in memory, but you could use a json file
            using (var stream =
                 //new FileStream("credentials.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                 new MemoryStream(byteArray))
                //TODO find out why I have to copy the token.json file every time to the app folder - for some reason it does not copy over even though set to Copy Always
                string credPath = "token.json";
                credential = GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
                    new FileDataStore(credPath, true)).Result;


            //set up the stuff that the Google Drive seems to require. I don't pretend to understand this bit
            DriveService service = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                HttpClientInitializer = credential,
                ApplicationName = AppName,

            service.HttpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(100);
            var fileMetadata = new Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File()
                Name = "My Report",
                MimeType = "application/"

            FilesResource.CreateMediaUpload request;

            //using (var stream = new FileStream(file.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
            using (var stream = File.Open(file.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                request = service.Files.Create(fileMetadata, stream, "text/plain");
                request.Fields = "id";
                await request.UploadAsync();
            //request.ResponsBody is always NULL - why??
            var responseFile = request.ResponseBody;
            //this line causes an error "attempted to read or write protected memory"
            if (responseFile == null)
                Debug.WriteLine($"** ERROR **    File {fileName}_{(fileId - 1).ToString()}{fileExtension} could not be uploaded.");
                Debug.WriteLine($"File ID: {responseFile.Id.ToString()}");
        catch(Exception ex)
            Debug.WriteLine("error incountered in StoreValues: {0}", ex.Message);


Lines ready to write: 1    |     Lines ready to store: 1
** ERROR **    File Environmental_Data_5.txt could not be uploaded.
Lines ready to write: 2    |     Lines ready to store: 2
18.9,10.0,2/16/2019 7:32:16 AM

Lines ready to write: 1    |     Lines ready to store: 3
Lines ready to write: 2    |     Lines ready to store: 4
18.9,9.9,2/16/2019 7:32:19 AM

** ERROR **    File Environmental_Data_6.txt could not be uploaded.
Lines ready to write: 1    |     Lines ready to store: 1
Lines ready to write: 2    |     Lines ready to store: 2
18.9,10.1,2/16/2019 7:32:22 AM

Lines ready to write: 1    |     Lines ready to store: 3
Lines ready to write: 2    |     Lines ready to store: 4
The thread 0xfac has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Lines ready to write: 1    |     Lines ready to store: 1
18.9,10.05,2/16/2019 7:32:25 AM

** ERROR **    File Environmental_Data_7.txt could not be uploaded.
Lines ready to write: 2    |     Lines ready to store: 2

我相信我已经拥有所有的凭证等-每次部署时,我都必须将根据凭证生成的token.jsn文件复制到pi上,但是似乎所有这些都可以正常连接。 / p>


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