如何在ts文件中定义innerHTML并在Angular 4的html文件中调用它?

时间:2019-02-18 19:44:13

标签: angular ionic3



    <ion-title>Baseplan Roster</ion-title>

  <div padding center text-center>
      <h3>Base Plan Roster</h3>   
<div innerHTML = > // I want to just call the innerHTML here which defines the below code(ion-slides block), this code should be placed in the ts file and not here below inside the ts file.

        <ion-slides  pager="true" id="slides">
                  <ion-slide *ngFor ="let st of obj">
                    <ion-item *ngFor= "let m of st.segment">
                    <h2>lets </h2>
                    <h3>On Date:
                    <h3>Off Date:


        Currently my ts file looks like this:

        import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
        import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams, LoadingController, Loading, Slides } from 'ionic-angular';

              selector: 'page-manager-details',
              templateUrl: 'manager-details.html',
            export class ManagerDetailsPage {

          unFit: fitModel[] = [];
          fit: fitModel[] = [];
          default: fitModel[] = [];

              constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private crewProvider: 
                         CrewProvider, public navParams: NavParams,
                         public loadingCtrl: LoadingController, public utils: 
                         UtilsModule) {

            showLoading() {

                this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
                  content: 'Loading Data'


              ionViewDidLoad() {

              this.obj = this.navParams.data.rosterDetails;

                  for (let mainData of this.obj ) {

                    for(let newData of mainData.status){
                      if (newData.condition == 'Fit') {

                      if (newData.condition == 'Not Fit') {
                      if (newData.condition == 'Default') {

                    this['unFit'+mainData.dayOfTheWeek] = this.unFit;
                    this['Fit'+mainData.dayOfTheWeek] = this.Fit; 
                    this['default'+mainData.dayOfTheWeek] = this.default; 

                   // i want to define the innerHTML here.

                    this.unFit = [];
                    this.fit = [];
                    this.default = [];



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