Common Lisp中的eq,eql,equal和equalp有什么区别?

时间:2009-02-13 19:56:16

标签: syntax common-lisp equality

Common Lisp中eqeqlequalequalp之间的区别是什么?我知道其中一些检查类型,其中一些检查所有类型,但哪个是哪个?什么时候比其他人更好用?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:75)

来自Common Lisp: Equality Predicates

  当且仅当(eq x y)x是相同的对象时,







如果它们相等,则两个对象equalp;如果它们是字符并且满足字符相等,则忽略字母大小写和字符的某些其他属性;如果它们是数字且具有相同的数值,即使它们属于不同类型;或者如果他们的组件都是(eq 'a 'b) is false. (eq 'a 'a) is true. (eq 3 3) might be true or false, depending on the implementation. (eq 3 3.0) is false. (eq 3.0 3.0) might be true or false, depending on the implementation. (eq #c(3 -4) #c(3 -4)) might be true or false, depending on the implementation. (eq #c(3 -4.0) #c(3 -4)) is false. (eq (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'c)) is false. (eq (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) is false. (eq '(a . b) '(a . b)) might be true or false. (progn (setq x (cons 'a 'b)) (eq x x)) is true. (progn (setq x '(a . b)) (eq x x)) is true. (eq #\A #\A) might be true or false, depending on the implementation. (eq "Foo" "Foo") might be true or false. (eq "Foo" (copy-seq "Foo")) is false. (eq "FOO" "foo") is false. (eql 'a 'b) is false. (eql 'a 'a) is true. (eql 3 3) is true. (eql 3 3.0) is false. (eql 3.0 3.0) is true. (eql #c(3 -4) #c(3 -4)) is true. (eql #c(3 -4.0) #c(3 -4)) is false. (eql (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'c)) is false. (eql (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) is false. (eql '(a . b) '(a . b)) might be true or false. (progn (setq x (cons 'a 'b)) (eql x x)) is true. (progn (setq x '(a . b)) (eql x x)) is true. (eql #\A #\A) is true. (eql "Foo" "Foo") might be true or false. (eql "Foo" (copy-seq "Foo")) is false. (eql "FOO" "foo") is false. (equal 'a 'b) is false. (equal 'a 'a) is true. (equal 3 3) is true. (equal 3 3.0) is false. (equal 3.0 3.0) is true. (equal #c(3 -4) #c(3 -4)) is true. (equal #c(3 -4.0) #c(3 -4)) is false. (equal (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'c)) is false. (equal (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) is true. (equal '(a . b) '(a . b)) is true. (progn (setq x (cons 'a 'b)) (equal x x)) is true. (progn (setq x '(a . b)) (equal x x)) is true. (equal #\A #\A) is true. (equal "Foo" "Foo") is true. (equal "Foo" (copy-seq "Foo")) is true. (equal "FOO" "foo") is false. (equalp 'a 'b) is false. (equalp 'a 'a) is true. (equalp 3 3) is true. (equalp 3 3.0) is true. (equalp 3.0 3.0) is true. (equalp #c(3 -4) #c(3 -4)) is true. (equalp #c(3 -4.0) #c(3 -4)) is true. (equalp (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'c)) is false. (equalp (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) is true. (equalp '(a . b) '(a . b)) is true. (progn (setq x (cons 'a 'b)) (equalp x x)) is true. (progn (setq x '(a . b)) (equalp x x)) is true. (equalp #\A #\A) is true. (equalp "Foo" "Foo") is true. (equalp "Foo" (copy-seq "Foo")) is true. (equalp "FOO" "foo") is true.



答案 1 :(得分:28)


  • 大多数CL函数在未指定测试时隐式使用EQL


  • EQ的核心通常是指针比较


To compare against...      Use...

Objects/Structs            EQ

NIL                        EQ (but the function NULL is more concise and probably cheaper)

T                          EQ (or just the value but then you don't care for the type)

Precise numbers            EQL

Floats                     =

Characters                 EQL or CHAR-EQUAL

Lists, Conses, Sequences   EQ (if you want the exact same object)
                           EQUAL (if you just care about elements)

Strings                    EQUAL (case-sensitive), EQUALP (case-insensitive)
                           STRING-EQUAL (if you throw symbols into the mix)

Trees (lists of lists)     TREE-EQUAL (with appropriate :TEST argument)

注意,效率通常为EQ>> EQL>> EQUAL>> EQUALP。

答案 2 :(得分:11)



eq 测试它的参数(由同一块计算机内存表示)是否是相同的符号。


(eq'A'B)无 (eq'RAM'RAM)T
(eq(cons'a'b)(cons a'b')); 这是因为对两个缺点都进行了不同的调用,因此它们显然会被分配不同的内存块


eql 首先测试其参数是否满足EQ,如果没有,它会尝试查看它们是否满足   是相同类型和值的数字。


(eql 4 4.0)NIL
(eql 4 4)T


(eq 4.0 4.0)NIL;取决于第一个(接受的)答案中描述的平台 (eql 4.0 4.0)T;参数的类型和值是相同的

在某些实现(eq 4.0 4.0)上可能会返回true,因为标准中没有指定实现是否应该在内存中只保留一个数字和字符的副本,就像符号一样。)通常拇指 不要在数字和字符上使用eq ,除非你真的知道你在做什么。




(等于4 4)T
(等于(+ 2 2)4)T


(等于(cons'a'b)(cons'a'b))T; 相同通常适用于打印相同


equalp 就像是相同的,只是更高级。数字的比较是类型不敏感的。字符和字符串的比较不区分大小写。


(equalp(cons'a'b)(cons'a'b))T; 与平等相同


相等(4 4.0)无 equalp(4 4.0)T; 由于equalp对数字类型不敏感地处理