我已经为此解决了一个问题,但是它是丑陋的,临时的并且无法概括。我认为必须有更好的方法。我们的研究区域分为100mx100m的网格,名为3-8的列和名为C-J的行。每个块分为四个四边形,每个四边形分为四个子四角形,因此子四角形的名称类似于“ 4F23”。划分模式如下:
11 12 21 22
13 14 23 24
31 32 41 42
33 34 43 44
不同的数据集使用三种分辨率中的任意一种都是合适的,所以我想要可以处理“ 4F”,“ 4F1”和“ 4F34”的东西。为了在该区域的热图/叶绿素中显示值,我需要一种方法来表示与ggplot更正交的嵌套方案,或者更好地告诉ggplot以便它知道如何解释部分标签本身。我想要的是一种简单的方法来绘制我们所有研究的地图。我能想到的最好的方法是使用转换函数生成XY,并将其绑定到数据框。
toyDF <- tibble(SECT = c('3E1', '5G3', '8H4'), HT = c(22,6,15))
# Translator function
SACoords <- function(sqr) {
sqVec <- substring(sqr, seq(1, nchar(sqr), 1), seq(1, nchar(sqr), 1))
rws <- 'JIHGFEDC'
cl <- (as.integer(sqVec[1]) - 3) * 100
rw <- (as.integer(gregexpr(sqVec[2], rws)) - 1) * 100
qd <- ifelse(!is.na(sqVec[3]),
list(c(0,50), c(50,50), c(0,0), c(50,0))[as.integer(sqVec[3])],
sq <- ifelse(!is.na(sqVec[4]),
list(c(0,25), c(25,25), c(0,0), c(25,0))[as.integer(sqVec[4])],
coords <- data.frame(c(cl, rw), qd, sq)
rowSums(coords, na.rm=TRUE)
#> SACoords('8C24') # Test
#[1] 575 750 # Yes
# Mash in the coordinates (as lists)
toyXY <- toyDF %>%
mutate(coords = sapply(SECT, SACoords, simplify=FALSE))
# Got the coords in, but as lists -- difficult to work with;
# but can't mutate() into two columns with one operation, so
# redo it this ungainly way:
toyXY[,4:5] <- matrix(unlist(sapply(toyDF$SECT, SACoords)),
ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
names(toyXY)[4:5] <- c('Xcoor', 'Ycoor')
# And finally to plot (in reality many observations per SECT)
toyXY %>% group_by(SECT) %>%
mutate(MHT = mean(HT)) %>%
ggplot(aes(xmin=Xcoor, xmax=Xcoor + 50, ymin=Ycoor, ymax=Ycoor+50)) +
geom_rect(aes(fill = MHT))
,并避免必须根据给定研究的分辨率调整xmin / xmax及其尴尬的常数。次佳的可能是研究图的模板表示-2d矩阵,24x32?列表列表的6x8矩阵? -但我不知道如何告诉ggplot读取它。还是我真的应该将所有这些包装在一个可以处理所有事情的更大的功能中?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
# modify toyDF to include sections of different sizes
toyDF <- tibble::tibble(SECT = c("3E", "5G3", "8C24"),
HT = c(22, 6, 15))
toyDF %>%
mutate(sqr = stringr::str_pad(SECT, 4, side = "right", pad = " ")) %>%
tidyr::separate(sqr, into = c("x", "y", "quadrat", "subquadrat"), sep = 1:3) %>%
# convert the first two letters of SECT into x/y coordinates for the centre of the area
mutate(x = factor(x, levels = as.character(3:8)),
y = factor(y, levels = LETTERS[10:3])) %>%
mutate_at(vars(x, y),
function(i) as.integer(i) * 100 - 50) %>%
# adjust coordinates for quadrat, if applicable
mutate(x = case_when(quadrat %in% c("1", "3") ~ x - 25,
quadrat %in% c("2", "4") ~ x + 25,
TRUE ~ x),
y = case_when(quadrat %in% c("1", "2") ~ y + 25,
quadrat %in% c("3", "4") ~ y - 25,
TRUE ~ y)) %>%
# further adjust coordinates for subquadrat, if applicable
mutate(x = case_when(subquadrat %in% c("1", "3") ~ x - 12.5,
subquadrat %in% c("2", "4") ~ x + 12.5,
TRUE ~ x),
y = case_when(subquadrat %in% c("1", "2") ~ y + 12.5,
subquadrat %in% c("3", "4") ~ y - 12.5,
TRUE ~ y)) %>%
# specify appropriate width for each cell, depending on whether
# subquadrat / quadrat has been defined
mutate(width = case_when(subquadrat != " " ~ 25,
quadrat != " " ~ 50,
TRUE ~ 100)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = HT)) +
geom_tile(aes(height = width, width = width)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(50, 550, by = 100),
labels = as.character(3:8),
expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(50, 750, by = 100),
labels = LETTERS[10:3],
expand = c(0, 0)) +
coord_equal(xlim = c(0, 600), ylim = c(0, 800)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank())