vector<tuple<string, int, vector<tuple<string, int, string>>>> setOfWord
vector <tuple<string, int, vector<pair<string, string>>>> setOfWord
访问元素if( wordVector == (get<2>(setOfWord[i]))[j].second)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
; signed 16b compare RP (HL/DE/BC) vs nonzero constant #XY
; subroutine, returns CF=1 if RP < #XY, modifies A
mov a,R
xri 0x80 ; convert 8000..7FFF into 0000..FFFF
cpi #X^0x80 ; "X" is xor-ed with 0x80 too to have it in 0000..FFFF range
rnz ; if ZF=0, then CF=1 is (RP < XY) and CF=0 is (RP > XY)
; R == X, the low 8b P vs Y will decide
mov a,P
cpi #Y ; CF=1 if (RP < XY)
ret ; 10B for particular #XY constant and RP
; inlined form
mov a,R
xri 0x80 ; convert 8000..7FFF into 0000..FFFF
cpi #X^0x80 ; "X" is xor-ed with 0x80 too to have it in 0000..FFFF range
jnz HiByteWasDecisive ; if ZF=0, then CF is set correctly, done
mov a,P ; R == #X, the low 8b P vs #Y will decide final CF
cpi #Y ; CF=1 if (RP < #XY)
; CF=1 is (RP < #XY) and CF=0 is (RP >= #XY)