#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
i = 0 ; Used for a loop
InputBox, x, String, Please enter your string
InputBox, y, No. of times, Please enter the no. of times you want to run the string
k = `n ;used to concatenate strings
z = %x%%k% ;concatenating the input with new lines
while (i < y) { ;While the loop has run less than the required number of times
i++ ;increment the number of times the loop has run
l = 0 ;used to run a loop a certain number of times
a = StrSplit(%s%) ;Splits the string created earlier
send %a% ;For debug
g = 0 ;used as a value for cycling through arrays
while (l < StrLen(s)) {
h = a[g] ;creates a variable for a specified position in the string
Random, rand, 10, 100 ;creates a variable to wait a random amount of time
r = %rand% ;assigns a random value to a variable for debug
FileAppend, Loop - %h% `n, C:\Users\charl\Desktop\Code\AutoHotkey\Debug.txt ;all file usage is for debug
FileAppend Rand - %r% `n `n, C:\Users\charl\Desktop\Code\AutoHotkey\Debug.txt
send %h% ;sends a character of the original string
Sleep %r% ;sleeps a random amount of time
答案 0 :(得分:0)
InputBox, str, String, Please enter your string
InputBox, amt, No. of times, Please enter the no. of times you want to run the string
Loop, %amt% {
For k,v in StrSplit(str) {
ToolTip, now %A_Index%
Random, rand, 10, 100 ;creates a variable to wait a random amount of time
;FileAppend %v%`n`n, %A_WorkingDir%\Debug.txt
Send, % v "`n"
Sleep, % rand ;sleeps a random amount of time