public struct Vertex
public float Center { get; }
public Vector Point { get; }
public Vector Point1 { get; }
public Vector Point2 { get; }
public Vertex(float center, Vector point, Vector point1, Vector point2)
Center = center;
Point = point;
Point1 = point1;
Point2 = point2;
public Vertex(float center, Vertex vertex)
Center = center;
Point = vertex.Point;
Point1 = vertex.Point1;
Point2 = vertex.Point2;
public static class Simplex
private static Vector ClosestPoint(Vertex[] simplex)
switch (simplex.Length)
case 1:
return simplex[0].Point;
case 2:
return ClosestPoint(simplex[0].Point, simplex[1].Point);
case 3:
var closetPoint = ClosestPoint(simplex[0].Point, simplex[1].Point);
var shortestDistance = closetPoint.MagnitudeSquared();
var points = new[]
ClosestPoint(simplex[1].Point, simplex[2].Point),
ClosestPoint(simplex[2].Point, simplex[0].Point)
for (var index = 0; index < points.Length; index++)
var distance = points[index].MagnitudeSquared();
if (distance.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(shortestDistance)) continue;
closetPoint = points[index];
shortestDistance = distance;
return closetPoint;
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"The count is {simplex.Length}, which is out of range for this operation.");
private static Vector ClosestPoint(Vector start, Vector end)
var edge = end - start;
var distance = (-start).DotProduct(edge) / edge.MagnitudeSquared();
if (distance.IsLessThanZero())
return start;
if (distance.IsGreaterThan(1.0f))
return end;
return start + edge * distance;
public static Point[] Solve(Polygon polygon, Polygon other)
var divisor = 1.0f;
var simplex = new[] {new Vertex(1.0f, (Vector) other.First() - polygon.First(), polygon.First(), other.First())};
for (var iteration = 0; iteration < 20; iteration++)
switch (simplex.Length)
case 1:
case 2:
simplex = OneSimplex(simplex, out divisor);
case 3:
simplex = TwoSimplex(simplex, out divisor);
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"The count is {simplex.Length}, which is out of range for this operation.");
if (simplex.Length == 3)
var direction = -ClosestPoint(simplex);
if (direction.DotProduct(direction).IsZero())
var support = SupportPoint(direction, polygon, other, out var point1, out var point2);
if (simplex.Any(vertex => vertex.Point == support))
var newSimplex = new Vertex[simplex.Length + 1];
for (var index = 0; index < simplex.Length; index++)
newSimplex[index] = simplex[index];
newSimplex[simplex.Length] = new Vertex(1.0f, support, point1, point2);
simplex = newSimplex;
switch (simplex.Length)
case 1:
return new Point[] {simplex[0].Point1, simplex[0].Point2};
case 2:
var scalar = 1.0f / divisor;
return new Point[]
simplex[0].Point1 * (scalar * simplex[0].Center) + simplex[1].Point1 * (scalar * simplex[1].Center),
simplex[0].Point2 * (scalar * simplex[0].Center) + simplex[1].Point2 * (scalar * simplex[1].Center)
case 3:
var scalar = 1.0f / divisor;
return new Point[]
simplex[0].Point1 * (scalar * simplex[0].Center) +
simplex[1].Point1 * (scalar * simplex[1].Center) +
simplex[2].Point1 * (scalar * simplex[2].Center)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"The count is {simplex.Length}, which is out of range for this operation.");
private static Vertex[] OneSimplex(Vertex[] simplex, out float divisor)
var v = (-simplex[0].Point).DotProduct(simplex[1].Point - simplex[0].Point);
if (v.IsLessThanZero())
divisor = 1.0f;
return new[] {new Vertex(1.0f, simplex[0])};
var u = (-simplex[1].Point).DotProduct(simplex[0].Point - simplex[1].Point);
if (u.IsLessThanZero())
divisor = 1.0f;
return new[] {new Vertex(1.0f, simplex[1])};
var edge = simplex[1].Point - simplex[0].Point;
divisor = edge.DotProduct(edge);
return new[] {new Vertex(u, simplex[0]), new Vertex(v, simplex[1])};
private static Vertex[] TwoSimplex(Vertex[] simplex, out float divisor)
var uAb = (-simplex[1].Point).DotProduct(simplex[0].Point - simplex[1].Point);
var vAb = (-simplex[0].Point).DotProduct(simplex[1].Point - simplex[0].Point);
var uBc = (-simplex[2].Point).DotProduct(simplex[1].Point - simplex[2].Point);
var vBc = (-simplex[1].Point).DotProduct(simplex[2].Point - simplex[1].Point);
var uCa = (-simplex[0].Point).DotProduct(simplex[2].Point - simplex[0].Point);
var vCa = (-simplex[2].Point).DotProduct(simplex[0].Point - simplex[2].Point);
if (vAb.IsLessThanOrEqualToZero() && uCa.IsLessThanOrEqualToZero())
divisor = 1.0f;
return new[] {new Vertex(1.0f, simplex[0])};
if (uAb.IsLessThanOrEqualToZero() && vBc.IsLessThanOrEqualToZero())
divisor = 1.0f;
return new[] {new Vertex(1.0f, simplex[1])};
if (uBc.IsLessThanOrEqualToZero() && vCa.IsLessThanOrEqualToZero())
divisor = 1.0f;
return new[] {new Vertex(1.0f, simplex[2])};
var area = (simplex[1].Point - simplex[0].Point).CrossProduct(simplex[2].Point - simplex[0].Point);
var uAbc = (simplex[1].Point).CrossProduct(simplex[2].Point);
var vAbc = (simplex[2].Point).CrossProduct(simplex[0].Point);
var wAbc = (simplex[0].Point).CrossProduct(simplex[1].Point);
if (uAb.IsGreaterThanZero() && vAb.IsGreaterThanZero() && (wAbc * area).IsLessThanOrEqualToZero())
var edge = simplex[1].Point - simplex[0].Point;
divisor = edge.DotProduct(edge);
return new[] {new Vertex(uAb, simplex[0]), new Vertex(vAb, simplex[1])};
if (uBc.IsGreaterThanZero() && vBc.IsGreaterThanZero() && (uAbc * area).IsLessThanOrEqualToZero())
var edge = simplex[2].Point - simplex[1].Point;
divisor = edge.DotProduct(edge);
return new[] {new Vertex(uBc, simplex[1]), new Vertex(vBc, simplex[2])};
if (uCa.IsGreaterThanZero() && vCa.IsGreaterThanZero() && (vAbc * area).IsLessThanOrEqualToZero())
var edge = simplex[0].Point - simplex[2].Point;
divisor = edge.DotProduct(edge);
return new[] {new Vertex(uCa, simplex[2]), new Vertex(vCa, simplex[0])};
divisor = area;
return new[] {new Vertex(uAbc, simplex[0]), new Vertex(vAbc, simplex[1]), new Vertex(wAbc, simplex[2])};
private static Vector SupportPoint(Vector direction, Polygon polygon)
var supportPoint = polygon.First();
var supportValue = direction.DotProduct(supportPoint);
for (var index = 1; index < polygon.Count; index++)
var value = direction.DotProduct(polygon[index]);
if (value.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(supportValue)) continue;
supportPoint = polygon[index];
supportValue = value;
return supportPoint;
private static Vector SupportPoint(Vector direction, Polygon polygon, Polygon other, out Vector point1, out Vector point2)
point1 = SupportPoint(-direction, polygon);
point2 = SupportPoint(direction, other);
return point2 - point1;
出于好奇,我下载了源代码并将其从C ++转换为C#,因此,除了对语法进行少量更改外,它是完全相同的。令我惊讶的是,该错误也正在发生。此算法不适用于凹面多边形吗?
我的平方初始化有一个错误,忘了将点数设置为4,所以只用了第一点。现在,它可以正确地遍历各个点,不再是一个问题。 L形仍然存在问题。在对算法进行了更多研究之后,Minkowski差创建了一个凸包,因此不适用于像L那样的凹形。从图像上看,这应该已经很明显了,因为紫色线恰好在凸包所在的位置结束。综上所述,是否可以使用其他算法,还是只需要迭代每个边缘并以这种方式找到最接近的点?