我尝试使用jQuery .show()和.hide()和.toggle(),但无法使其正常工作。我需要默认隐藏我的.cuomoinfo和.nixoninfo,然后根据正在使用的基本层进行显示。
var baselayers = {
"Andrew Cuomo Votes": CuomoLayer,
"Cynthia Nixon Votes": NixonLayer,
"Total Votes Cast": totalvotecountlayer,
var overlays = {
"NYS Assembly Districts": AssemblyOverlay,
"NYC Council Districts": CouncilOverlay,
L.control.layers(baselayers, overlays).addTo(mymap);
// creating a custom div that changes the ed information within it based on mouseover
var cuomoinfo = L.control();
cuomoinfo.onAdd = function (cuomomap) {
this._div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'cuomoinfo'); // create a div with a class "info"
return this._div;
// method that we will use to update the control based on feature properties passed
cuomoinfo.update = function (cuomoprops) {
this._div.innerHTML = '<h4>Votes for Andrew M. Cuomo</h4>' + (cuomoprops ?
'<b>' + cuomoprops.ElectDist + '</b><br/>' + cuomoprops.QueensCountyGovernorDemocraticPrimarySept2018_Cuomo + ' votes cast'
: 'Hover over an Electrion District to see voting results');