下面是将包含我所有命令的类。 messageRecieved方法是将消息发送到聊天室时要运行的代码。
public class Misc : ModuleBase<SocketCommandContext>
ulong id = 169526919472218112;
string[] jarjarQuotes = { "Mesa called Jar Jar Binks, mesa your humble servant!",
"Hmm... yousa point is well seen. Dis way, hurry!",
"Yousa should follow me now, okeeday? My warning yous: Gungans no like outsiders. Don't 'spect a warm welcome.",
"How wuude!",
"You'd say, boom de gasa... den crashded da boss's heyblibber... den banished.",
"Uh-oh! Biiiiiig Goober fish!",
"Monsters out dere, leakin in here, all sinkin an no power? When are yousa tinkin' wesa in trouble?!",
"Oh, maxi big da Force...",
"Getin very scared and grabin dat Jedi, den pah... mesa here.",
"Dissen gonna be bery messy! Me no watchin!",
"Icky, icky goo!"};
public async Task GetQuote()
ulong currentID = Context.User.Id;
if (id == currentID)
Random rnd = new Random();
int rollValue = rnd.Next(0, 10);
Random msgNum = new Random();
int msgValue = rnd.Next(0, 10);
if (5 == 5)