弄清楚如何修复C ++ Blackjack程序的问题

时间:2019-02-06 05:04:52

标签: c++


Welcome to Blackjack!
Here are your first cards: 10, 2
Your total is 12.
Would you like to draw another card? (y/n)
You got a new card with a value of 6.
Your total is now 18.
Would you like to draw another card? (y/n)
You got a new card with a value of 4.
Your total is now 16.
Would you like to draw another card? (y/n)
Welcome to Blackjack!
Here are your first cards: 6, 4
Your total is 10.
Would you like to draw another card? (y/n)


#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int getCard(int);

int main()
    int total, card1, card2, newTotal = 0;
    char choice, playAgain = 'y';

    while (playAgain == 'y')
        cout << "Welcome to Blackjack!\n";
        card1 = rand() % 10 + 1;
        card2 = rand() % 10 + 1;
        total = card1 + card2;
        cout << "Here are your first cards: " << card1 << ", " << card2 << endl;
        cout << "Your total is " << total << "." << endl;

        cout << "Would you like to draw another card? (y/n)\n";
        cin >> choice;

         while (choice == 'y')
             newTotal = getCard(total);

             if (newTotal > 21)
                 cout << "Bust!" << endl;
                 choice = 'n';

             else if (newTotal < 21)
                cout << "Would you like to draw another card? (y/n)\n";
                cin >> choice;
                 cout << "Congratulations, you won!\n";
                 choice = 'n';

    cout << "Would you like to play again? (y/n)\n";
    cin >> playAgain;

    return 0;

int getCard(int total)
    int addCard, newTotal;
    addCard = rand() % 10 + 1;
    newTotal = total + addCard;
    cout << "You got a new card with a value of " << addCard << "." << 
    cout << "Your total is now " << newTotal << "." << endl;
    return newTotal;

该程序将以两张卡开始播放器,然后询问他们是否要抽出另一张。如果他们输入“ y”,那么它将这样做并合计卡片。如果他们拒绝,那么游戏就结束了。如果他们回答“是”,而新卡的总数大于21,则返回“破产”。如果总数变为21,则告诉玩家获胜。在每局游戏结束时,都应询问玩家是否愿意再次玩。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  • 首先,newTotal = getCard(total);应该为total = getCard(total);,以便更新total(因此,您到处都应将newTotal替换为total)。通过使用此newTotal变量,您总是可以丢弃while循环中的前一个总数,并从循环前定义为total = card1 + card2;的那个开始。

  • 第二,while (playAgain == 'y')始终为真,因为您没有从此循环内部更新playAgain(因此您永远不会到达询问用户是否要再次播放的代码)。在此循环内移动以下两行:

cout << "Would you like to play again? (y/n)\n";
cin >> playAgain;


#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int getCard(int);

int main()
    int total, card1, card2, newTotal = 0;
    char choice, playAgain = 'y';

    while (playAgain == 'y')
        cout << "Welcome to Blackjack!\n";
        card1 = rand() % 10 + 1;
        card2 = rand() % 10 + 1;
        total = card1 + card2;
        cout << "Here are your first cards: " << card1 << ", " << card2 << endl;
        cout << "Your total is " << total << "." << endl;

        cout << "Would you like to draw another card? (y/n)\n";
        cin >> choice;

         while (choice == 'y')
             total = getCard(total);

             if (total > 21)
                 cout << "Bust!" << endl;
                 choice = 'n';

             else if (total < 21)
                cout << "Would you like to draw another card? (y/n)\n";
                cin >> choice;
                 cout << "Congratulations, you won!\n";
                 choice = 'n';

        cout << "Would you like to play again? (y/n)\n";
        cin >> playAgain;

    return 0;

int getCard(int total)
    int addCard, newTotal;
    addCard = rand() % 10 + 1;
    newTotal = total + addCard;
    cout << "You got a new card with a value of " << addCard << "." << endl;
    cout << "Your total is now " << newTotal << "." << endl;
    return newTotal;