F#从反序列化JSON整理Dictionary <string,object =“”>

时间:2019-02-02 00:13:20

标签: json f#

在F#中,我正在使用JavascriptSerializer.DeserializeObject来读取JSON文件。那给了我一个Dictionary<string, object>,对于任何这样的值(在运行时可能是intstringbool等),我只知道这是一个对象。


// deserialize the text, casting to a dictionary
let parsed = ... :?> Dictionary<string, System.Object>

type MyValue =
    | Scalar of string
    | Array of string[]

// myValue may be either string or string[]
// convert to F# discriminated union of Scalar|Array
let myValue = match parsed.["myValue"] with
    | :? (Object[]) as obj -> Array (obj |> Array.map (fun o -> o :?> string))
    | obj -> Scalar (obj :?> string)


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