
时间:2019-01-31 08:28:44

标签: smartcontracts truffle



TypeError:在地址中依赖于参数进行查找之后,找不到或不可见成员“传输”。 Buyer.transfer(Orders [order_no] .price * 8/10); ^ ------------ ^

pragma solidity >0.4.99 <0.6.0;
contract ManageOrder{
   address public owner;
   uint256 count;
   uint256 count_parking;
   string order_list;
   uint256 order_number;
   string public result;

//order table
struct  Order {
   uint256 orderNo;
   address   buyer;
   address  seller;
   uint256 parkingNo;
   State state;
   string  new_hour;
   uint256 price;
   uint date;

//parking table
struct  Parking {
   uint256 parkingNo;
   address seller;
   string  name;
   string  phone;
   string post_code;
   string  avail_hour;
   string  park_address;

//buyer table
struct Buyer {
   string  name;
   string  phone;

//map the struct to an index
mapping(uint => Order) private Orders;
mapping(uint => Parking) private Parkings;
mapping(address => uint256) balances;
mapping(address => Buyer) public  Buyers;

//for sellers and buyers to abort the order
//order state should be pending
function abortOrder(uint256 order_no) public
    //get the address of both the buyer and the seller
    address buyer = Orders[order_no].buyer;
    address seller = Orders[order_no].seller;
    //if the message sender id the buyer
    Orders[order_no].state = State.Aborted;
    //return 80% of the money to buyer
    //20% of the money to the seller
    else if(msg.sender==Orders[order_no].seller)
    //if the sender is the seller, he needs to pay 20% of the parking fee to the buyer
    Orders[order_no].state = State.Aborted;

    //return the money to buyer

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

检查Solidiy 0.5.x中的重大更改。

address类型分为addressaddress payable,其中只有address payable提供了transfer功能
