
时间:2019-01-29 19:09:43

标签: javascript unix time gml


我希望白天/夜晚的圆圈图像(在上面的链接中的示例)基于实时旋转(+1 UTC,没有冬夏时间调整)。您在图片中看到的时间已经基于+1 UTC时间。 我已经在自己的游戏开发者项目中实现了这一目标,但是现在我也希望在我的网站上显示此日夜圈图像,以便访问者也可以在那里看到日夜周期。

我已经有用GML编写的工作代码,但是现在我希望用PHP / Javascript编写它,而且我对Javascript的了解也不多,但是我想如果要使用昼夜周期图像,这是必须使用的代码实时旋转。


//written in GML
// unix_timestamp([datetime])
//  Returns a Unix timestamp for the current time
//  or optionally given GameMaker datetime value.
    var timezone = date_get_timezone();


    if (argument_count > 0) {
        var datetime = argument[0];
    } else {
        var datetime = date_current_datetime();

    var timestamp = round(date_second_span(25569, datetime));


    return timestamp;

以下部分有点混乱,但是可以满足我的所有需求,使变量“小时”和“分钟”等于我所在国家/地区的实时时/分(+1 UTC)

//written in GML

rtime = unix_timestamp();

//removing all seconds from 1 jan 1970 00:00 - 1 jan 2019 00:00 (UTC+1 Amsterdam)
rtime2 = (rtime - 1546300800+3600);//the +3600 is meant to add 1 hour to
 equalise to the UTC+1 time

//remove all remaining days
while (rtime2 >= 86400)
   rtime2 -= 86400;

dtime = unix_timestamp();

//removing all seconds from 1 jan 1970 00:00 - 1 jan 2019 00:00 (UTC+1 Amsterdam)
dtime2 = (dtime - 1546300800+3600);//the +3600 is meant to add 1 hour to
 equalise to the UTC+1 time

//number of days from 1 jan 2019 00:00
day_unf = (dtime2 / 86400);
day = (floor(day_unf) + 1);

//count all remaining hours
hour_unf = (rtime2 / 3600);

hour = (floor(hour_unf))

qtime = unix_timestamp();

//removing all seconds from 1 jan 1970 00:00 - 1 jan 2019 00:00 (UTC+1 Amsterdam)
qtime2 = (qtime - 1546300800+3600);//the +3600 is meant to add 1 hour to
 equalise to the UTC+1 time

//remove all remaining days
while (qtime2 >= 86400)
   qtime2 -= 86400;

removar = (hour * 60)

//count all remaining minutes
minute_unf = (qtime2 / 60);
minute_unf2 = (minute_unf - removar);

minute = (floor(minute_unf2))

xtime = unix_timestamp();

//removing all seconds from 1 jan 1970 00:00 - 1 jan 2019 00:00 (UTC+1 Amsterdam)
xtime2 = (xtime - 1546300800+3600);//the +3600 is meant to add 1 hour to 
equalise to the UTC+1 time

//remove all remaining days
while (xtime2 >= 86400)
   xtime2 -= 86400;

rem = (minute * 60);

rem2_unf = (hour * 3600);

xtime3 = (xtime2 - rem);
second = (xtime3 - rem2_unf);

if hour == 24{
    hour = 0;
//written in GML
pre1 = 15 * hour;
pre2 = 0.25 * minute;
pre3 = pre1 + pre2;
cycle_angle = pre3;
//cycle_angle is always a number between 0-360 and is used below to draw the day/night circle image in the right rotation degree.


由于图像是360°的圆,并且代表24小时的一整天的时间,因此每经过的小时等于15°旋转,而每分钟等于0.25°旋转。 例如,当时间为18:30时,它将旋转277,5°(15 * 18 + 30 * 0.25),以表示将是白天,但是日落已接近。


问题1:如何根据我所在国家/地区的实时小时/分钟(+ 1UTC,无冬夏时间)在PHP / Javascript中将变量“小时”和“分钟”设置为需要调整)

问题2:如果我在问题1中获得了成功,如何像在GML中一样,根据“小时”和“分钟”变量在网站上旋转昼/夜圈图像? (请参见下面的GML示例)

//written in GML
pre1 = 15 * hour;
pre2 = 0.25 * minute;
pre3 = pre1 + pre2;
cycle_angle = pre3;
//cycle_angle is always a number between 0-360 and is used below to draw the day/night circle image in the right rotation degree.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$date = new \DateTime();
$date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //returns a string

DateTime对象中还有更多函数; read about it here


var today = new Date();
var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds(); 

然后您可以使用这些值,并使用CSS使用transform: rotate(360deg);将图像从0-360度旋转